I thought the Moto E used a Micro SIM. Do you have an iPhone 5 or newer? Chances are you have a Nano SIM and you need a Micro SIM.
If you happen to have an older phone around or know someone who does that takes a Micro SIM, you could take that with you to a Verizon store. They would give you a Micro SIM that you can then switch to the Moto E. Or you can purchase an adapter like this.
If it was the 3 in 1 sim kit, I'd see if they can provide the full card so that it properly fits without an adapter. If it's working though you should be fine.
If you want to avoid the store, this should be fine - MediaDevil Simdevil 3-in-1 SIM Card Adapter Kit (Nano / Micro / Standard) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00G26XWDI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_.aetzb4WJX2QD
This works and is fully legal. I do it often. I have a MIFI 5510L Jetpack. It does take a MicroSIM vs NANO sim. I have a sim adapter kit from Amazon. So I occasionally forward calls and move sim card into my jetpack. iMessage works over wifi so good there too. Or you can add the Hotspot feature and it's prorated for the number of days used. Just make sure to cancel feature before bill cycle rolls over or you will be billed for entire following month (and credited back automatically)
I can't comment on the one you linked, but I can for what I have linked below. It arrived yesterday and seems to be high quality, the SIM fit exactly into the cutout with no gaps. Oh and the founder of the company is responsive to reviews, even updating some of the product. I highly recommend it.
What's your use case?
If you just need a new sim, just go into a store and ask for one. They'll give it to you. You may even get them to transfer your service for you.
If you actually need to change between devices of differing sim sizes, I've bought this one. Be forewarned that you'll want to tape the sim down. I cut the plastic window out to do so. Otherwise there is a high risk of the sim and/or adapter getting stuck.
You should buy some trays like these. Personally I use corrugated cardboard and make the cutout with an razor, but if you actually plan to do this at some point buy the tray and save yourself the hassle.
Interesting. The ones I plan on buying seem to be of high quality, but I will definitely keep your advice in mind moving forward.
EDIT: Just FYI these are the ones I plan on buying http://www.amazon.com/MediaDevil-Simdevil-adapter-Micro-Standard/dp/B00G26XWDI/
Let me know if these are the ones that may jam
https://www.amazon.com/MediaDevil-Simdevil-Adapter-Micro-Standard/dp/B00G26XWDI First result on amazon.
Nah, you cut the sim, then you use the adapter to use it as a full size. I used to do it before with and old phone. Example: https://www.amazon.com/MediaDevil-Simdevil-Adapter-Micro-Standard/dp/B00G26XWDI
You can get a SIM tray that is a standard size that holds a nano sim.
www.amazon.com/MediaDevil-Simdevil-Adapter-Micro-Standard/dp/B00G26XWDI/ref=pd_sim_107_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=0SNY8SK3KBA6RDHZDWZQ like the bottom one here.
This is the one I got. Worked very well for me!
You could also just get a nano to begin with and use an adapter for your iPhone. I use this one and it works perfectly.
though it's not too necessary unless you like switching between phones.
and This: https://www.amazon.com/Super-Reader-Writer-Cloner-Backup/dp/B00HDC9J1Y
Those are what I use.
I use one of these and it works fine:
MediaDevil Simdevil 3-in-1 SIM card adapter kit (Nano / Micro / Standard)
The policy is a phone must be active on prepaid for 6 months. BUT with the Moto E (4G LTE) version you can just move your sim card over, and it will work.
EDIT: You might have to get a sim card adapter. I haven't seen the Moto E yet, as to what size sim card it takes. I have a set of these and they work great! http://www.amazon.com/MediaDevil-Simdevil-adapter-Micro-Standard/dp/B00G26XWDI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1437011557&sr=8-1&keywords=sim+card+adapter