I will probably get grief for this but when I started I got this one, since I couldnt afford an x pole:Pole
It worked perfectly for 2 years and I still have it I just upgraded to an xstage lite so I could go outside and bring it places. Ive known many who used the brand and its pretty close to an x pole in sturdiness from my experience.
One last question --I saw this on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/X-Dance-Portable-Fitness-Exercise-Spinning/dp/B005IPK7AU/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1427842164&sr=8-4&keywords=xpole I actually think I've heard a little bit about x-dance and their pole quality, but I was wondering if this would be a good alternate considering that it's much cheaper than xpole.
MegaBrand Pole https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005IPK7AU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_1A6TQKBGZNRDBT1CMY0M?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I spin super fast for fun randomly on any given day, holds me up nicely! We do tighten it biweekly-ish!
Just buy one! https://www.amazon.com/MegaBrand-Portable-Exercise-Stripper-Spinning/dp/B005IPK7AU $130 on Amazon. Someone engineered it for you. If it's good enough for MIT dorm lounges, it's good enough for you!
It's available for purchase on Amazon:
I have a fitness and fertility wishlist. Any of those things would be life changing. I'm on and have been on a mission since last September to get fit. I'm positive it will solve my fertility problems. I'm down 15 pounds but want to keep going and lose about 20-30 more.
EDIT- or this stripper pole I'm in love the sport and I feel like this would be an activity that I would love and would help me get fit.
I just want to be healthy and be able to conceive so badly.