I've been using Meguiar's Ultimate Quik Wax for the longest time. Can be found on Amazon, or at Target/Walmart. Basically, anywhere that sells car accessories/parts.
Do note that spray waxes are best applied often. They do not last anywhere near as long as traditional waxes/sealants do. The main advantage is that spray waxes are quick and easy to apply and can be done in minutes, rather than an hour (or more).
Alternatively, consider waterless wax + wax solutions. Can help you keep your car clean in between your regular washes. Especially helps to keep your front bumper and hood clean from debris you accumulate daily.
I've used Meguiar's Quik Wax on my car and even after washing it a couple times, water still beads up a bit. The bit of shine benefit is gone, and the beading isn't as strong as fresh (still WAY better than none). But it's clearly beading after a few months.
If the products are related, it's probably worth trying out.
I don't have a hose at home, so I go to a wand wash with similar options. I pay for 4 minutes. 2 minutes soap and 2 minutes rinse, top to bottom. Bring a couple drying towels and apply spray wax.
I'm using this one http://www.amazon.com/Meguiars-G17516-Ultimate-Quik-Wax/dp/B001O7PNS2 I got 2 bottles for $6 when they were on sale.
Spray it on a microfiber cloth, apply 1/2 > 1 panel at a time depending on the temperature, and wipe it off with a second one. Bring an extra wipe off cloth if your car is big. The wax lasts about a month driving on the highway 4 times a week and parking outside.
Sweet, will pick some up next time I head to Pep Boys. I've been using a Meguiar's Spray Wax on the car and it leaves a weird almost milky with a weird texture tpe film on the paint, so idk how I feel about using it on the wheels themselves.
Did you spray it yourself, or did you have it professionally sprayed?
Also, what kind of meguirs spray wax did you get on it specifically? Would it be something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Meguiars-G17516-Ultimate-Quik-Wax/dp/B001O7PNS2
Popping back in here, I use this stuff for wax: https://www.amazon.com/Meguiars-G17516-Ultimate-Quik-Wax/dp/B001O7PNS2
Where does that fall in terms of longevity?
This is what I use. http://www.amazon.com/Meguiars-G17516-Ultimate-Quik-Wax/dp/B001O7PNS2