I live off an 100km road so I’m constantly getting destroyed by bugs at full speed, mine always come off though after washing, I finish every second off wash with Maguire’s ceramic wax. Car is also just easier to clean in general and it’s super hydrophobic. https://www.amazon.com/MEGUIARS-G190532SP-Hybrid-Ceramic-Fluid_Ounces/dp/B07R5QH6H6/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1YHOCTWR1B0ZQ&keywords=maguires+ceramic+wax&qid=1640637439&sprefix=maguire%2Caps%2C441&sr=8-3
A good spray wax or sealant might help, or at least make them easy to wipe off with a quick detailer.
I used this product
Limited-time deal: Meguiar's G190532SP Hybrid Ceramic Wax - The Car Enthusiast's Car Wax, 32 Fluid Ounces https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07R5QH6H6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_dl_QXJPB0HM9NJXBW82P3CB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Breaking down the process:
- 2 bucket method with a hose-rinse of the glove each dunk
- Wash with the super pink carnauba wax Meguiar's wash from Costco (can't find a link)
- Spray onto wet, freshly rinsed car with Meguiar's Hybrid Ceramix wax and dried & buffed with water magnet drying towels (x2)
- Finished with 3D finishing touch applied with super plush workout-microfiber towels
I used a normal yard hose with a gardening nozzle and kept the car wet with a spray through the whole process until after the ceramic wax. The ceramic wax tells you to leave it on & rub it in if it's your first application, and the 3d finishing touch was to really even it all out.
Hopefully, it'll provide a killer shine plus water-phobia for days.
Its honestly the easiest product I've ever used, very important that you're following the instructions for the first application.