Here's the kit I used: Meguiar's G2980 Heavy Duty Headlight Restoration Kit
Used some clear coat instead of the sealant that comes with it.
I wanted to get some more of the haze off but the pad was wearing out so I also used some wetdry sandpaper-800,1500
Yes it does. Four steps total; 1000 grit sanding, 3000 grit sanding, plastic cleaner w/ drill operated buffing wheel, then sealer.
edit: Amazon link to the product I used
This kit worked really well on my hazed Prius lights.
Although it's not available, the one item it has that others don't is the clear-coat finish, so any of the kits with the sanding and plastic polish will work.
Here is the best thing to remove yellowing cloudy fogged or otherwise unclear plastic stuff thats supposed to be clear
And if all else fails you can be very careful it a coat of spray varnish or a clear spray seal and it will make it clear up as long as you dont over spray it
Roger that. I already have the Meguiars Headlight Restoration Kit, I’ll have to find the right point to add the clear coat. Thanks, appreciate it!
It's possible that you didn't sand long enough- typically you want to spend twice as long sanding whenever you move to a finer grit. I follow up with machine compound and polish after sanding as well.
The Heavy Duty Headlight Coating in the following kit also seems to add a great depth of clarity as well, I wish I could find it sold separately:
Meguiar's G2980 Heavy Duty Headlight Restoration Kit
This is the sealant I used this time, it is seemingly only available in a kit. It does a great job and I didn't need to break out a spray gun or do anything to cure it other than to leave it alone and let it air cure. (I did park it in the sun about 10-15 minutes after initial application, but it's not required to do so, I did it knowing I would be driving the car in about 30-40 minutes afterwards)
You can buy a 20$ kit from any car part store usually has different levels of sand paper grit and a polish and takes around an hour and your headlight will look like brand new once done.. just did mine. I used this one
I use the Meguiar's Headlight Restoration Kit It does need to be redone about every 6 months or so, but it only takes 15-20 minutes to pop out the headlight assemblies, do the restoration, and reinstall them.
BTW, is that a 2004? Looks a lot like my front end, except I have a bug deflector.
Here's what I did:
If you're patient and careful, it'll turn out great.
Thank you! Honestly, I think a home wash and wax does wonders for the paint. Mine spent the first 10 years of its life in Phoenix, so the paint is definitely showing it when you look closely. But every time I wax it, the paint looks new again.
I used the Meguiar's Heavy Duty Headlight Restoration kit, and it was amazing! You'll need some elbow grease, a drill, and about 3 hours of your day. But it'll make even the grossest headlights look like new. I've used it a couple times now, and it takes about a year before I start seeing a little yellowing again.
And here's from when I last did them about a year ago. They weren't nasty yet, but were starting to yellow again:
Edit: I feel like this reads like a Meguiars ad, but I swear I just think that stuff really works
I’ve never done it but this is a good brand
Meguiar's G2980 Heavy Duty Headlight Restoration Kit
There are restore kits that work great but beware it will only last a year.
I give a headlight restoration kit a try. You could probably find cheaper but here's an example:
Meguiar's G2980 Heavy Duty Headlight Restoration Kit
I bought this from AutoZone Results
To build on my post: I've used this restoration kit with really good results. Your headlights may need some extra elbow grease to get rid of that outer crusty layer. But I noticed that my headlights were yellowing again within a few months, so I bought a pre-cut Lamin-X film kit. It is kind of expensive (roughly 50 bucks) but it was cut to my car's headlights exactly and sealed everything up perfectly.
In your quest to paint the car, I recommend checking out this build thread I read a while back. A guy on a forum I use completely repainted his car in John Deere yellow for pretty cheap and he documented the entire process with pictures. One of the most helpful things I have read when it comes to DIY automotive painting.