I got mine last week. I've read about waxing, but have no clue what to use. The manual mentions Carnuba Wax, but with no cleaning agents. I went to home depot and the wax I found there were for laminate floors and have no clue what to get. Maybe get some from AutoZone?
Saw these to in Amazon, would these work? Meguiar´s or This one
Man, black is sexy on the Honda Accord. Beautiful car!
I own a black car and the thing that makes the paint look its VERY best, is a good cleaning and wax.
I use Meguiar's Gold Class Plus Premium Quik Wax after each car wash (I only wash once a month). It makes the black paint look WAY, WAY better than if not. Reflective, shiny, I can't stop staring at it after, and you'll probably experience the same. Here's a link:
Other mods that go really well with a black car, are window ventshades & Black tinted windows. Aside from that, you're golden.
Deal link: Amazon
Deal link: Amazon
A good soap (e.g. not dish soap lol) and wax is one of the best things you can do to keep your car's paint nice. I use this spray wax https://smile.amazon.com/Meguiars-Gold-Class-Carnauba-Premium/dp/B006FUT05U/ref=pd_yo_rr_rp_6/137-9025128-2616946?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B006FUT05U&pd_rd_r=9acd4d99-5d14-42e3-bb94-d66b4b1d109d&pd_rd_w=o9VUZ&pd_rd_wg=o3ikG&pf_rd_p=6c927ef5-6938-465b-8f66-e5683dae7ef8&pf_rd_r=RJYJ0WENYS0WPRFGKJZX&psc=1&refRID=RJYJ0WENYS0WPRFGKJZX after each wash. My relative bought me this https://smile.amazon.com/Chemical-Guys-WAC22916-HydroSlick-HyperWax/dp/B07V25MZHV/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=hydroslick&qid=1612946023&s=automotive&sr=1-1 which I use after I clay bar, which is once a year usually.
https://ibb.co/n3cRRQh is our 2013 Corolla. It has never had covered parking.