While there may not be mosques around, I am a fellow revert and have had similar issues in rural NC myself. I have some general tips for issues I myself faced as an exurban/rural American revert.
First, when searching for mosques know that google maps may have them listed as “masjids” “mosques” or “Islamic centers,” all of which don’t always come up in the respective other’s search results, so try searching all 3 individually.
Secondly, a lot of colleges (even somewhat mid size to small ones) have Muslim Student Associations even if there is not a mosque in the town the MSA is in; if there are any local colleges within an hour-hour and a half of you, try google searching “__university MSA” and “___university Muslim Student Association” respectively. They are welcoming and let non-students of the college attend too. Often times in these small rural college towns, the MSA acts as the sole mosque for any non-student Muslims in the community.
Thirdly, I don’t know if you live anywhere near a state border, but the “Mosque Cares” organization (the Sunni Muslim group that is a heritage-based community of the American Nation of Islam followers who left the NOI for Sunni Islam with Malcolm X in the 1960’s/70’s) doesn’t have any mosques in Nebraska, but does have them in neighboring states. Since these mosques tend to be smaller than others, sometimes they’ll not show up on google maps when searching. Here is the link to the full list of addresses and contact info for all of the Mosque Cares-founded mosques: http://wdmministry-masaajidlisting.blogspot.com/2012/06/listing-in-order-by-state.html?m=1
And finally, take a look at these three fellow rural American Muslim reverts who speak about their experiences being a bridge between the Muslim and the majority non-Muslim rural American world’s. https://www.amazon.com/Memoirs-Hillbilly-Muslim-Linda-Ilham/dp/1457502739
Best wishes to you!