Glad it was helpful, hope it goes well.
A good book on this topic is "men are from Mars, women are from Venus". It's a classic for a reason. I know I learned a lot about women from it.
I think maybe that's just how we're wired so it's hard to NOT solve problems when problems are presented. The good news is he's engaging you, right? So that's awesome that he cares enough to try to solve the problem he just doesn't know that there isn't a problem to solve.
This is the updated version of the book, I haven't read it in like 20 years so I don't know what's changed but it's probably just updated for "the times."
This is the basis of very popular relationship books "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", about how (most) men and women communicate very differently. Really, really important to understand these concepts when in a relationship, was revelatory to me when I read it about 20 yrs ago. Makes so much sense.