Right, except that Men's Gymnastics Pants literally do extend past the ankle and wrap around the foot, which is the pants I was talking about in my comment.
And before you chime in with some "WeLl WhY CaN MeN wEaR thEm" nonsense, it's because the balance beam is extremely dangerous if you're not fully barefoot, and Men don't compete on the Balance Beam.
That's a full suit, not just pants. If that's what they were all wearing it'd be fine, I personally don't have an issue with them wearing shorts, pants, ect.
I'm talking about pants like this (link below), which is the most available and cheap kind of gymnastics pants you can get since they're used in both Men's Gymnastics and Trampoline + Tumbling. They loop around your foot and can spell disaster on the balance beam. These are what will be on sale at competitions, gym clubs, ect.
The suit like in the image you linked is custom made, and competition gymnastics suits that are "normal" already cost an easy hundred dollars, so a custom made one like that will probably run you up quite a bit more.
If it takes over, great. It poses no safety risk and allows judges to judge since it's very form fitting. I think the only reason it hasn't it's that it's a relatively newer style and so it's more expensive. As I mentioned in some other comments, I'd let my athletes wear whatever they wanted so long as it was safe and form fitting when I trained them so I had a ton of girls just wear yoga pants, leggins, ect to train. As long as the foot was clear and the outfit wasn't crazy loose, most coaches are ok with it.