I will give you this random bit of advice, it's from an internet stranger, and worth what you paid for it:
Get cheap rings. I've gone through about a dozen wedding rings. I am going to dig up my old amazon orders to find you the rings I have and adore:
Eternity stone ring and I also have a tungsten carbide 2mm ring by the same guys. I've gotten four rings from them total and they are amazing.
My total cost for the carbide ring was $4.00 because of shipping, it's a .99 cent ring and I get compliments on it ALL THE TIME. Shipping has gone up a bit but you'll not exactly go broke with a $6.00 ring, either.
Not a bad Fucking Linda story, but the day after my Dad died she lost her wedding ring (her 3rd one- first was stolen, second was ???). I gave her the ring I had, that I linked above. I got compliments on that ring at least once a month, never had a loose stone (and I work with my hands) and it looked just as good the day I gave it to Linda, after several years of harsh use, as it did when I bought it.
Rings get lost, misplaced, and (what happened to my parents first set of rings), STOLEN. Also, since you have it on your hand, the stones get damaged and loose value. Especially diamonds, which are likely to plummet in price in the next decade.
I wanted to be a gemologist/bench jeweler when I was 15. I know that without using a specialized bit of equipment, that NO ONE could tell my ring was cubic zirconia. When I was in a VERY nice jewlery store and they looked at my ring, there were many oooh's and aaaaah's, and none of the ladies who handled 5k rings on a daily basis, even with a jeweler's loup, could tell.
You totally don't have to go as cheap as I did, but your money is honestly best spent getting the setting you want, and then getting a CZ put in that setting.
Tungsten carbide rings are amazing, and the metal is just immune to damage.
My wife's nice rings were all destroyed when she had to use a wheelchair for a while- gold and silver don't hold up well to that sort of treatment. The carbide ring is indestructible.
The metal is also a little darker and if this makes sense, masculine looking.
As a side note, with someone like JJ in your family, I'd say the risks of shenanigans going on with the rings goes up a whole lot. It is REALLY such a weight off my mind that if someone does steal/damage/destroy my ring, or I get mugged at gunpoint or something, for $6 I have a replacement.