It's the EU version of the Samus Returns Special Edition except 100 times better. I don't know if it's NTSC, probably not. I think 3DS are region-locked, but the extras alone you'd probably still find cool.
Amazon Link 5 left. $150
Edit: I'm bad at hyperlinks
Or how y'all got an upgraded Samus Returns special edition even though North America has always been Metroid's biggest market.
There is a <u>(very expensive & hard to find)</u> collector's edition of Metroid Prime Trilogy as well, it doesn't include much but the steelbook and art booklet alone is worth it. Samus returns also got a collector's edition that was exclusive to europe ^you ^bastards... that's really hard to find for less than $200USD. Your best bet is an eBay auction. I think you might also be interested in the Figma Other M Varia Suit Samus, Zero Suit Samus, and my personal favorite, the Metroid Prime 3 Varia Suit Samus. These are also expensive but great for the collection. Don't forget that there's a Ridley Amiibo for Smash Ultimate as well.