Not really what you should be looking for in a broadcast mic. Get a standard headset with a decent mic. You don't need to spend a fortune Just One of thousands on Amazon:
I've found that a good rule of thumb is the 0.82g of protein per lb of bodyweight (not lean bodyweight, total bodyweight). Incidentally, this roughly works out (for me) to the suggested 1.0g per lb of lean mass since my body fat % lines up just right. So I eat about 150g of protein per day on workout days, maybe a bit less on rest days.
This goes against some of the "meathead logic" you here in gyms about 1g per lb, but there are plenty of studies indicating that is more than is necessary at any level of intense exercise. There is a good summary of the research in an easy to read format available from
You'll run into plenty of people that will say eat 1g per lb of body, but I think the science suggests a bit lower is optimal. And that's important because your body will convert the excess into blood glucose, causing an insulin spike, and dropping you out of ketosis, etc.
As for IF, I don't do it when I'm trying to gain muscle for precisely the reasons you suggest. I can't eat (or digest) 3,000 calories in a four or even eight hour window. Some people can, I can't. So when I'm trying to bulk (as I am now as of January 3rd), I eat five to six meals (or snacks) a day starting at 6:00am and ending at 7:30pm or so. It's the only practical way I can manage more than 2,400 calories per day without just losing it through diarrhea. YEMV. I use this one. It has a mute button, built in volume controls, and plugs into the computer via USB. It's listed on Amazon for $31 today.
I use this:
The microphone and headphones work fine for me.
I use this headset, it works pretty well.
Edit: just saw that you're not looking for a headset, my bad, but there are plenty of affordable options on don't like anything on there?