Ok, wow, just looked up rg174 coax and the loss on that stuff is ridiculous. Why midland uses that thin of coax for a GMRS antenna is purely a price point thing. If you’re new to the hobby I wouldn’t try cutting and soldering on a new uhf (PL-259) connector to still be left with rg174. For the cost of a connector, time and aggravation, I’d just use it as is for now and save up for a nmo mag mount with as short of rg58 coax as you can find/you need. Midland sells one of these, but the coax is 20’ long (I have one and need to cut to length for my needs). An nmo mount opens up a world of antenna options to screw on. I’d go with midlands 6db gain 5/8th wave option. Got one about a month ago and I have been very pleased with it running a kenwood 45w mobile radio with it.
Midland 6 dB Gain Antenna with Durable Spring Base and NMO Connection - Works with Midland MicroMobile MXT105, MXT115, MXT275, MXT400 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084BPXNC5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_XUBuFb0Z970DP
Midland Antenna Mag Mount with NMO Connector and 20 Foot Cable - Works with Midland MicroMobile MXT105, MXT115, MXT275, MXT400 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CRBV71V/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_tVBuFb3RYW4WW
Edit: this would be a nice compact option, but only offers 3db gain, which remember, that gain disappears the longer the coax is so a higher gain antenna will offer the most even with line loss.
Midland 3 dB Gain Ghost Antenna with NMO Connection - Works with Midland MicroMobile MXT105, MXT115, MXT275, MXT400 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08429ZT37/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_w7BuFbFE2S2EY
Yes it does limit my options. I have my eye on a Midland 6 dB gain. Thank you for the recommendation.