I have my cables tethered/hanging overhead from the ceiling. I use one of those "Amazon VR Cable pulley systems". Cost like $20.
I bought this for my Oculus Rift, but it's identical as the pulley systems advertised for the Vive.
Yea man. You're not the first to have these issues. So, there are easy answers to both those problems. I'd guess extension cables are needed for most setups, mine included. I don't understand what's different, but I've seen you need to get "ACTIVE" USB 3 extension cables to help prevent latency. They aren't much more expensive than a non-active type. ($10+ for 15 feet). I have some regular 10 foot USB 3 cables... no problems
As for cable management - that'll depend on your room setup of course. Since you mention ceiling mounting, get some really long cables, and check this link. Just search amazon for "oculus rift cable management" or something similar. Plenty of options.
I got those things recommended with my rift purchase on amazon, it would be something very similar. You may be able to find them cheaper though
Here's one random example: https://www.amazon.com/MIDWEC-Packs-Management-Oculus-Headset/dp/B06XY5WKXW
There are dozens of similar ones. They are cheap, and if you can afford it I recommend getting 2 sets since they work better (less pull feeling on your HMD) in tandem. 2 packs of those, + 6ft or so extension cables for your HMD and you basically have wireless VR. Just be sure to use Cable Guardian free software.
I see other people have already answered, but mine just uses carbiners so it would take you 2-3 minutes to rehang them.
This is the one I have. There are more expensive options, but I wouldn't both with a pricier one if you plan on taking it down between sessions.
I use something identical to this every day. What matters is the quality of adhesive on the ceiling. Even then you're not pulling very hard since the force is distributed and mostly taken by the retractable sections.
As for hooks to hang the headset, I just use a standard 3M hook for the headset and controllers.
I bought this one by MIDWEC. It's very good (once you get the cable adjusted properly so it doesn't hit you in the face). They all look about the same tbh.
That's what I used for mine.
Though with mine, It runs entirely alone the ceiling until my "mid point" than comes down and I used 3 "hooks" all at the midpoint so that any wire is immediately lifted back above my head. (The only downside to this setup is that you either need to be able to hang your HMD up somewhere or you have to do a decent amount of unhooking/rehooking everytime you wanna play.
I got those things recommended with my rift purchase on amazon, it would be something very similar. You may be able to find them cheaper though
you can buy retractable cable management hooks on amazon for less than 25$
Edit:Like this one
Retractors attached to the ceiling.
Set mine up with a kit I got from Amazon and have never looked back. It’s good enough that I probably won’t bother with a wireless adapter if/when the price for those comes down.
Every once in a while I’ll find the cable when throwing something in VR, but that’s mostly because I have a low ceiling in the basement.
I’ve found that having the main point slightly behind the center of my space works the best. Also having two retractors in series on that point means I have full range of motion. Worth noting that it’s important to have the retractor wire securely attached to the cable, so that it can’t slide at all.
Something like this (this is what I use): https://www.amazon.com/MIDWEC-Packs-Management-Oculus-Headset/dp/B06XY5WKXW
There's about a dozen or so offerings on Amazon.
I used this set of retractors from Amazon. They're not as strong as most keychain retractors, and have longer cable.
For my current setup I used screw hooks to attach to the basement ceiling at three points, one over my computer with all the extra cable slack, one midway, and one over me. Using two retractors directly over the center of my space means I have less cable loop drooping down near me while still being able to fully move around my space. The other thing that helped a lot was to wrap a velcro strap around the cable where I wanted to attach the retractor, so that the clip wouldn't slip along the cable.
Yeah I checked it out again and it's more like $60 to do it correctly @ 16' with a repeater and ceiling mount. Think that $80 - $100 included extending the sensors.
Still it gets to the point that's it's enough money that I would prefer to spend more and have the headset wireless.
Ceiling mount - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XY5WKXW/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A25ZAA3BEH2FFI&psc=1
Repeater - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GHL72XS/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A316VD12LWIFJT&psc=1
15' hdmi cable - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008D5EUD2/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
16' usb 3.0 cable - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0179MXKU8/ref=ox_sc_act_title_5?smid=A21TE5CLHZDYA7&psc=1
25' Braided cable sleeve (not required but will make things look more professional)- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004UHQNUU/ref=ox_sc_act_title_4?smid=A2QY7ED8OFW8FC&psc=1
Some people use these to run it from the ceiling
Keep in mind that there is an extra set for the Oculus Rift (since the cable is lighter than the Vive cable):
Get something like https://www.amazon.com/MIDWEC-Packs-Management-Oculus-Headset/dp/B06XY5WKXW after turning around in circles a few dozen times, you'll notice your cable, but up till then, it's great.
Det finns produkter specifikt taggade för VR på Amazon, men då lär du punga ut med nästan 500:- för produkt + frakt här: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XY5WKXW?th=1 - hittar ingen billigare. Hittade denna på Amazon UK, och den står taggad som "Global Store" vilket låter lovande, men väljer man Sverige som mål så säger den ifrån.
Den enstaka produkten som skeppas från & till Europa finns inte i lager på någon av Amazon-sidorna :| https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B06XT2XLZ5
Blir tokig.
Ceiling cable management helps a lot as well. MIDWEC 6 Packs Cable Management https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XY5WKXW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Xyq4Ab6G916W6
MIDWEC 6 Packs Cable Management for Oculus Rift Headset - Must Have Accessory https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XY5WKXW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_DsQnAbCTHVAS4
Sticks to the popcorn ceiling like a champ
I use the Midwec system.
Works well. Needs a bit of measuring though to get exactly right. Once you have it setup correctly, you won't even notice the cable anymore.
It looks like these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XY5WKXW/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I2FM0LCKSQHDC7&colid=377XEDR5F1A9X
I plan on buying them for my setup as well.
That's right for the retractable cables! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XY5WKXW
Pulleys: https://www.amazon.com/Stanley-National-Hardware-3203BC-Single/dp/B000BQRQ6Y/
Clothesline: https://www.amazon.com/Household-Essentials-04800-All-Purpose-Clothesline/dp/B007UTM9GM/
Key rings: https://www.amazon.com/Tandy-Leather-Nickel-Plated-1175-02/dp/B008YLHMO4/
Spring (cannibalized from a curtain rod): https://www.amazon.com/Kenney-Spring-Tension-Curtain-48-Inch/dp/B009U20JSC/
Spring support (brazing rods I happened to have lying around): https://www.amazon.com/Bernzomatic-WB5-Brazing-Welding-4-Piece/dp/B000BO8WU0/
*edit: a lot of this is just stuff I had lying around, I'm pretty sure the amazon links are the same thing, but they may not be the actual items I used.
Found not only similar, but the exact same set: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B06XY5WKXW
Currently out of stock though :/
Found not only similar, but the exact same set: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B06XY5WKXW
Currently out of stock though :/
I really want a wireless option but this works as well (Cheaper than a wireless version and it's pretty much the same)
I'm using this:
I think the problem is my ceiling is just too low. I can touch it with my fingers. When my kids use the same system, it works fine, but I'm too tall so the suspended cable is always bumping into my face.
Would you mind telling me how you arranged your retractable lanyards? Always looking for suggestions on this topic ..