Fellow cat owner that recently introduced a new dog. A lot of cats will instinctively go for safety in high or enclosed places. A cat tree that cannot be reached by the dogs/kids might be a good option. I also got this collapsible cat cube/bed from amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EV6FU7C/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It's not really sturdy enough to go for the 2-story version, but placing the single-story cube on top of a table that kitty is allowed on can help it become a safe place away from doge/children. The kitten will likely instinctively hide anywhere she can find at first, but as she gets acclimated it would be wise to establish a safe space for her in which the whole family, as a rule, will not bother her.
From day 1, you should be on top of positive reinforcement to make sure she's getting acclimated properly to your house/rules. Treats accompanied by consistent verbal feedback should be step 1. A lot of cat owners also explore catnip as a form of positive reinforcement early on, but keep in mind that this can be an acquired taste for some cats. If she doesn't respond to it right away, (gently) keep trying as she gets older. Also they may react differently to fresh vs. dried catnip. As far as negative reinforcement, this should really be a last resort, but a squirt gun/spray bottle should be enough for most cats. Mine is a huge dick about food in the early morning, so I sleep with a spray bottle on my nightstand.
Try to get her comfortable with having ears, mouth, paws handled as early as you can. Cats with fair/pink skin often have skin and ear issues. You will likely need to deal with cleaning the ears at some point, which can be rough if the cat is not used to having ears handled at all. Note: do not use Q tips as they can easily damage the ear drum. There are sunscreen wipes you can use on her to prevent sun damage if your cat will be spending time lounging on the patio.
As far as grooming, a flea brush or regular brush is great, but you can't beat a furminator for de-shedding. I didn't find furminator for a couple years, and now my cat only tolerates short sessions with it. I think it might be different if we had done regular grooming with one early one.
Good luck with your new addition!
I hope that link works! Seriously my bun Poppy loves this.