The Amazon listing has dimensions, 5th picture. The interior is 110cm wide by 210 long. It's less space than the 2p Marmot tent I replaced, but much lighter. I saw that you're not in the US so Amazon isn't an option, but the info should be the same.
You can get them on Amazon now.
Here is the Amazon version of the LanShan 2 mentioned by u/j05h03 in case you don't want to wait on Alibaba:
Marmot lists the UL2P as $149 (50% off) right now, if that's the way you lean:
I have the earlier non-UL version (and the Limelight 2P, and a 1P Marmot also) and really like it as a car-camping tent. I've carried it for shorter backpacking trips but you wouldn't want to lug it too far. I've used it with two adults (6'3" and 6'9") and with an adult and two children. Also leant it to a 7'er who slept diagonally.
I am looking for a 1-2P tent as well, and currently leaning towards the Lanshan 2 (and similar). Almost 500g lighter than this UL Tungsten depending on which specs you believe and even cheaper if you go through Ali Express (search "3F UL"). It might be a problem at my height, but for 5'10" and under you'd be fine. Here's an Amazon listing as the Ali Express listings seem to change.