I would definitely say get your net+ and security+ just to find out if you like either of those fields. Also, I would recommend starting with python if you want to become a coder, I'm not a programmer by any means but all the devs I have talked to say that Python is the best language to learn.
I think your issue right now is you simply don't know where to start because you haven't been exposed to anything. Like I said previously, you need to expose yourself and one great way is with entry-level certs to find out what you do and don't like.
Network+: i highly recommend the Professor Messer net+ videos on YouTube along with a good book. I used this book https://www.amazon.com/CompTIA-Network-Certification-Passport-N10-007-ebook/dp/B07F23PDPM.
Security+: same thing, Professor Messer Sec+ videos and a decently rated Sec+ book (just make sure its current stuff aka the same exam number as the one you plan to take.)
Python: I've started learning Python and I LOVE it; its SO much fun!!! I've been using this book as well as a Linux VM on my computer to practice. https://www.amazon.com/Python-Crash-Course-Hands-Project-Based/dp/1593276036
One you get some foundational knowledge in some different fields in IT and CS, then you can go deeper into whatever you like because the money will follow and if you enjoy your work thats the most important thing there is.
I hope you find my post helpful because I was in the same boat as you 6 months ago and I didn't know what I wanted to do at all.