They will need sleep systems (multi-layered sleeping bags with thermal liner and waterproof shell) for the cold/wet nights. You can maintain morale when its cold. You can maintain moral when its wet. It's hard to maintain when you're cold and wet.
I don't know the market enough to recommend a civilian sleep system but the one we were issued in the army (American) was one of my favorite pieces if equipment.
Pretty expensive, you don’t particularly need the cover or the carrying case but this is something I’ve used with only a 1/4th in May between me and the ground in sun freezing temperatures and I ended up sweating that night. Hope this helps friend
Military Modular Sleep System 4 Piece with Goretex Bivy Cover and Carry Sack
Get a very cold weather sleeping bag. If you really don't want to run the car, I have boiled water in my base camp kelly kettle, poured it into a 2 liter bottle, put the cap on tight, put it down near my feet in my sleeping bag. Be careful you dont burn yourself. Might want to wrap it in a towel, clothes. It would be harder to use in a mummy bag, but there was plenty of room in my rectangle bag. You could get a hot water bottle instead. 2 liter is free or cheap.
The 12v blanket sounds lovely. I've never tried one.
This would do it:
Wherever you want with the right gear. I have the US military modular sleep system which is basically 2 sleeping bags (a heavy and a light) as well as a waterproof goretex bivvy bag. I could sleep in 6 inches of water in -20 degree weather and be warm and dry. It's rated down to -60.
There are of course down sides. It's bulky and heavy at 10lbs, but it comes with a compression bag, so it fits in my pack. It's not cheap either, I paid $160 at a surplus store, but they're $230 on Amazon.
I use a military Modular Sleep System MSS. I'm glad I got mine when I did though, it was only $89. I would recommend shopping around if you are looking at an MSS.
You have any recommendations for a nicer bag? I'm planning not only to use it for around now (October) but also in the spring and summer. It gets around high twenties nowadays and I usually have
For comparison I'm using the military modular sleep system that I bought off of craigslist for $50, it works well but damn near takes up half of my 70l pack in the compression sack, and it weighs 8lbs for both bags.
This when I was stationed in AK we would sleep in -15f no problem.
Swags... I have a biker/horse swag, but it is basically this here with a thinner mattress. I also opted for the roll out swag bag which makes a great ground sheet.
For a size comparison of what a thinner mattress would look like, here is the current biker/horse swag that they carry.
This is a newer company that came out in the last couple years and I think it looks pretty nifty. They build the sleeping bag into their swag and give you a ground sheet. If mine ever wears out, I might get one of these. But, I've had my Mr. Swagman horse swag for over a decade and it's still like new. But I really do like their built in awning.
Tents... If I was going full blown "tent". I'd go with the Lone Rider. They do a great job with design, and material quality. And they pack down pretty small for how big they are. I know my VW NewBeetle doesn't have any extra space when I am running back and forth from college, and I also do a lot of motorcycle camping, so I like gear that fits on the back of the bike.
Sleeping bag... Mountain Hardwear has been a good sleeping bag. I've had their Lamina 20 for almost as long as my swag and it hasn't worn out. Its a synthetic, so it's good even if it gets wet, which was important to me on when I am out camping. The Lamina bags come with a lofting bag, and a compression sack, so that is really nice. They also pack smaller than any other synthetic bag I've seen. Its not much bigger than a down sleeping bag. The closest to what I have is their 15 degree bag.
I ended up with a ton of Army gear when I got out... so I still have and use their 4 piece sleep system. Here's what it looks like, and you'll probably find them fairly cheap at an Army Surplus where some AWOL kid pawned their gear.
And the Army PT pad... of course is the cheapest and most rugged thing out there. I've camped on it in the hills in North Carolina in winter, and taken it in Afghanistan and Iraq. It works just fine for a cheap mattress. Not as comfy as the self inflating, but it'll take a beating and is fairly compact.
For water carrying, nothing fancy... just my 4qt blanket canteen that I've had forever. It was a birthday gift when we went camping horseback growing up, and it still works amazing. Its also round, so I stuff it in one end of my swag bag when I take it on the bike.
My trusty Coleman 520 and 530 G.I. Pocket stoves are key to camping... morning coffee that I don't have to bend over to make. You get a 1 qt pot and 1 pint pot that the stove nests in. It runs on gasoline. You can make coffee for 2 weeks of the pint of fuel that it holds. It has a handle for the pots that doubles as a wrench if anything ever did go wrong, and it's self cleaning... so it's dead reliable. It's about 8 1/2" tall and 4 1/2" round so when I'm not cooking, I can flip an 8" skillet over on the burner and it's a sturdy stand for holding my coffee cup or a table to watch shows on my tablet/phone, or even my speakers if I want to jam out.
Cliq Chair was a splurge, but I really like them and they're super comfy. I keep them in the car for extra seating at parties. Its a couple inches taller than the Helinox chairs, and a couple inches shorter than a full size gas station beach chair... but the plus size is I'm never towering over people with short chairs, or feel like I'm sitting on the ground when someone has those full size fold out chairs, and it's height matches well with my old camp stove.
Oh, can't forget the little little cell phone stand/FM/Bluetooth speaker... check this little guy out... just stinkin' cute!
Or the larger bluetooth speaker... and it's been super handy. Toted it everywhere for 5 years and it's still going strong. They discontinued it, but they have other models. to pick from.
For self protection, perhaps look into mace or pepper spray and a bat. When you're camping with 2 people it's not so bad, but solo generally attracts a lot of attention from questionable people. Thus I opt for the burly looking sleep systems. If they didn't see me get in the tent, then they'll generally leave me alone as to not wake up some "big angry guy". I've never been without a rifle or pistol. We used them horseback camping in the mountains, use them to run off bear and coyotes at the house, and general hunting growing up... then 7 tours in the Middle East I had a firearm morning, noon, and night... and crime outside of an Army base almost surpasses what they see in Chicago, so off post I wouldn't "not carry". So It's just become a part of my day.
Military Modular Sleep System 4 Piece with Goretex Bivy Cover and Carry Sack
Rugged? Always military gear.
Military Modular Sleep System 4 Piece with Goretex Bivy Cover and Carry Sack
Much cheaper used on eBay Something like this? Im in norcal not sure how cold it gets but i figure if you can sleep comfortably in below 0 temperatures than I should be fine. Says it only gets 50-60 degrees so thats comfortable knowing you can sleep in below 0.
I bought myself a military modular sleep system and it is the best camping thing I ever bought.
The sleep system consists of 3 parts: 30 degree (F) sleeping bag, -10 degree (F) sleeping bag, and goretex bivy cover
Whats great is it is modular so you can tailor it to your environment, camping in the summer? leave the -10 degree bag at home. camping in literally arctic weather? bring them all and combine it! (good for -50 degree weather). The 3 parts all have separate zippers and snap together nicely.
My favorite part is the waterproof goretex bag (100% waterproof and breathable). Last time I went camping it rained and I woke up sleeping in a big puddle, the sleeping bags (and I :D) were completely bone dry.
Cons are it is a bit pricey (kind of offset by long lasting durability), and it is heavy by sleeping bag standards (10 pounds for the whole thing) If you have one, you don't technically need a tent, but everyone needs their own
Edit: Link
Double Edit: Also got this ruck which I absolutely love for its gigantic capacity and the fact that it and the sleep system were made for each other. Con being that it is also heavy (12 pounds), so with the sleep system it is pushing 22 pounds, and fully loaded for my last trip was right at 65 pounds. most of the weight was water though. Bring lots of water
This is cheaper than I paid for mine...because I decided that I'd "lost" it and paid for it when I got out...
It is awesome, I've used mine down to -20 degrees camping in a snowcave, the key is to make sure when you buy it, you're buying legit military equipment and not a Chinese knockoff. I got my bivy from my local army navy store and used it with a regular sleeping bag for a while until I decided it would be nice to have something that buttons into it.
Edit: holy penis these have gone up in price
I bought my bivy for about $30, got the green bag for $30, black bag for $45, and the compression bag for only a few dollars because I bought one with a broken buckle. I guess it cheaper to buy each individually
MSS (Modular Sleep System):