Hey there. My 5 month old son has had reflux since he was a newborn. I have to burp after every feed and hold him upright for 10-15 min after feedings before laying him down to avoid the spit up and stuffy nose.
Recently transferred him to a crib. He used to sleep on a boppy pillow for elevation or on my chest! Ugh. It was awful. But his reflux was so bad. And we would also rock to sleep.
Here’s a link to the wedge we placed under his mattress for crib.
Milliard Bed Wedge Pillow with Memory Foam Top -Helps with Acid Reflux and Gerds, Reduce Neck and Back Pain, Snoring, and Respiratory Problems- Breathable and Washable Cover (7.5 Inch) (White) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082T45GGM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_K6PYJMWKTNDFWF7557JK
He sleeps a lot better in crib. We did a modified Ferber. Now I am trying to consolidate his night feedings.
Also try Hyland (brand) cold tablets. I would melt them in water and use syringe to place in his mouth it I would put 2 tablets in his bottle during his night feed. I only did this 2x and it cleared his congestion. I also used a humidifier.
Good luck!
we have used this wedge pillow to feed our newborn. We have found when we put him on his side (on the pillow) it really helps him get a feeding down without sounding wheezy / choking. Then we hold him upright for 15-20 after the feeding, then are able to lay him down.
Milliard Bed Wedge Pillow with Memory Foam:
I got this one recently https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B082T45GGM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_i_18RTE91SBXQSXGRKJ0XR?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
We sleep in a queen bed and it doesn't bother my wife.
I actually put a fairly flat normal pillow on top of this. I'm 5 foot 10 and the wedge pillow comes down to below my ribs, so it tilts up my whole torso, then I have the normal pillow for comfort.
I think it's like 70cm wide. I got it from Amazon: https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B082T45GGM/ref=pe_3044141_185740131_TE_item
I didn't really want to get it from Amazon but it was the only way to get one during covid...
It's nice, it takes a bit of time to get used to it. Now if I sleep without I just wake up coughing! So it definitely helps. I find it a bit long though, I am 158cm tall so it tends to arrive just in the zone between the bottom of ribs and hips and it's a bit annoying.
Milliard Bed Wedge Pillow with... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082T45GGM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
i use this one and it takes a few days to get used to. but you can prob find different ones on amazon or walmart if there’s a better one
Link to the Wedge cushion which works well for me in getting the angles right! https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B082T45GGM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I waffled back and forth for mine but I felt very strongly that I didnt want the implant and just went in. It was my first surgery ever, and it was a big one. I had mine in January. I'm pretty happy with it - having a revision in July.
Straight out the gate: do not look at DIEP as a "tummy tuck" - the scar is similar but it will not necessarily live up to your expectations if that's what you want. My incision is still a little lumpy and will need revision. A lot of DIEP feedback online will agree with me (as would probably your doctor) - it is NOT a tummy tuck sorry :/
The worst part for me was the sleep deprivation during my 3 day hospital stay. They wake you up every hour for the 24-48 hours to make sure the blood flow to your flap is strong. The sleep debt was REAL.
My must haves for recovery:
- wedge pillow to sleep on your back and pillow under your knees at night. (I bought this one)
- this pillow from etsy was worth every penny
- drain pouches - I had 6 drains taken out over 5 weeks. One of my hip drains did not want to stop, but better the fluid out than staying in. I didnt need any special drain holder bra, but some little pockets to put them in was nice (BEWARE CATCHING YOUR TUBES ON DOORKNOBS OMG ITS THE WORST)
- I purchased muumuus from amazon that zipped or button down the front. You will not be able to raise your arms above your head for a bit.
Good luck and feel free to PM me if you have questions :) Happy to share.
I got this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082T45GGM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 , it's cheaper than others (most i've seen recc'd here are $60-80) and still good. Sortof stiff but thats good for supporting the back.