Put a few tablespoons of citric acid in the dishwasher when you run the dishes. You can also use it in foods you cook to bring up the acidity.
You'd be better off just buying citric acid, that's what doing the cleaning in the Tang.
And you'd have to use a lot less of it, since Tang is 92% sugar (22g out of a 24g serving).
You can buy a 1 lb of citric acid for $9 on Amazon. That'd be enough for about 30 cleanings, since you'll only need like 2 tablespoons.
I get the same deposits in the bottom of our water distiller (we have very hard water). Evern Sunday night I empty the distilled water into a pitcher, fill the boiler with hot water and a tablespoon of citric acid (here on Amazon), stir, and allow to sit overnight. By the next morning, the deposits are gone.
Milliard Citric Acid 2 Pound - 100% Pure Food Grade NON-GMO Project VERIFIED (2 Pound) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EYFKM32/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_ZKSN8Q8JZ62Y654VF1F6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Use this to ph your water. Won't kill fungi or harm any microbiology in your soil. Adding cal mag or hydroponics ph up and down will kill your living soil.
The rest of the story is I fill the tank to the top to have a bit of water left in the morning to just rinse out the tank. For the few times it does run dry I keep a pill bottle of citric acid powder and use about 1/2 teaspoon to soak in a bit of water in the tank to dissolve the mineral deposit before the next use.
It’s hard water deposits. Get some food grade citric acid...I use this one Milliard Citric Acid 2 Pound - 100% Pure Food Grade NON-GMO Project VERIFIED (2 Pound) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EYFKM32/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_a_VPSRYTBWXZA91BA9Y9R4
Warm water and a tablespoon of citric acid. Let it sit a bit. Rinse well. If you have a dish washer put about 1/2 cup of CA and run without dishes. It will prolong your dishwasher life. You can also add CA to gummies to make them sour.
I use pure citric acid crystals all the time for descaling. Well, "all the time" meaning, whenever my Jura tells me to descale ... which is every 3 or so months. Acid is a common descaling product, and citric acid is an acid. We have used these crystals to dissolve calcification in a steam water purifier. But, you should use these at your own risk.
That said, these crystals don't impart any flavor, and seem to work just fine. A little goes a very long way. I heat up 20 oz of clear water in the microwave (for my machine's descaling cycle), and then add 15 gram of crystals to the hot water and swirl to dissolve - so, 3/4 gram of crystals per oz. of water should be a good ratio.
NOTE: Be careful not to breath in the steam from the heated solution, it may not be good for you.
Good luck!
Instead of buying an 'espresso descaler' you will notice that it's almost always just citric acid powder. So you can buy any citric acid powder like this one and get the same results for cheaper.
What do you use for descale? I use food grade citric acid, but I'm not sure how effective it is. It seems you've had good results
Here's an Amazon 'Best Seller' link for anyone interested: https://smile.amazon.com/Milliard-Citric-Acid-Pound-NON-GMO/dp/B00EYFKM32/ref=sr_1_3_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1491784811&sr=8-3&keywords=sodium+citrate
Not sure the ratio for that but this should last you a long time:
Use this. This does not have a strong smell like vinegar and has other cleaning uses. I use it to descale a table top water distiller monthly.
Best price on citric acid I have found if you have Prime:
Have used plain OxiClean for cleaning my home brewing kegs, etc. Also works well.