You can buy it on amazon, but the real question is why?
Vinegar is usually water and acetic acid. Apple cider vinegar has some other trace elements that add flavor. Acetic acid itself does not add heat. Long ago I did try using it and found that it lacks in flavor. I went the other direction and started brewing my own vinegar.
Generic grocery store cajun spice + a little sugar + citric acid = Cajun Sparkle.
Haven't heard of that one but just saw it on buildasoil. I was thinking something like this mixed with water.
Have you seen a urologist? You may need an ultrasound or a cystoscopy to make sure there is no anatomical reason you keep getting infections. I’ve been adding citric acid powder to half-strength Crystal Lite lemonade trying to lower the pH of my urine. I’m drinking about 3/4 gallon per day. You might try that until you can get in with urology. Here’s a link: Milliard Citric Acid 5 Pound - 100% Pure Food Grade Non-GMO Project Verified (5 Pound)
We are on a well and have very hard water. In addition to jet dry, I've also started putting citric acid in the pre-wash. It overflows a little but that's ok.
I'm can't remember where I read about it, but damn it works. It turns out that citric acid is really popular to clean with, particularly if you have hard water.
Also, ditch the dishwashing tabs and go to a good liquid like cascade. Our glasses have never been cleaner.
Google “lactobacilli” to learn more about the primary bacteria in sourdough.
Another could also hack it by using citric acid in your dough. You’d have to experiment on proportions.
Milliard Citric Acid 5 Pound - 100% Pure Food Grade Non-GMO Project Verified (5 Pound)
Straight citric acid is a great cleaner for this sort of thing, and cheap.
5lb $14 on Amazon:
Couple of tablespoons mixed with hot water. All the cleaning power, none of the mess of squeezing your own citrus, none of the smell of vinegar.
I get a bit of an eye twitch at "chemical free cleaning" in their marketing, but nevertheless.
I have the exact same tumbler as you, what I would say to do is:
add more water, I generally fill mine to about 1/4 inch below the top
don't add car polish, that's only good for dry tumbling
Got some of the stuff linked below, it will serve to replace lemi-shine and has several other applications outside of reloading that it can be used for. If you're not a DIY kinda guy though, just ignore it and get lemi-shine.
That's actually what I've beenusing. My mistake.
TL;DR: Add 1/2t of Citric acid (purchase food grade off Amazon for about $17 for 5lb, which will last you a LONG time) to the bottom of the quart jar before filling. Use 1/4t for pint jars. If you want to use lemon juice, you need to use BOTTLED, not fresh which can vary in acidity. Bottled has been tested for consistent acid level.
Citric acid from Amazon is 15$ for 5 pounds.
It's fine. It's just sodium (which we eat in table salt among many, many other things) and citric acid without the protons (which we eat in any citrus fruit among many other plants).
I'd personally not try to make it (I keep both powdered sodium citrate and powdered citric acid in my kitchen). If you get the ratios off you'll end up making the cheese sauce sour which... isn't ideal. But you certainly could. Bulk food-grade citric acid is about the same price per mass as food-grade sodium citrate, though I find citric acid has more uses (cleaning in particular, though I do use it for a quick acid hit when I don't have lemons in the house). Sodium citrate is really only good as an emulsifier; I use it in cheese sauces and occasionally salad dressing.
This might be for you then
I order it from the evil empire .
For everyone else, a little bit added to your dishwasher detergent will leave your glasses sparkling clear. It's really good for cleaning hard water deposits.
My dishwasher even recommends it's use.
I've found citric acid to work well (I prefer it over vinegar since I seem to be sensitive to even the tiniest bit of vinegar):
100% food grade citric acid (vitamin C), it is a good natural Ph Down AND neutralizes chlorine/chloramines.
I use 120mg per gallon of filtered tap water.
I would recommend using a pur filter to filter out toxic metals and other solids that could harm your soil, and then use the citric acid after filtering.
Here's exactly what I use
Citric acid:
Mg sensitive scale:
Citric acid for the win.
Works great. Can do 1000 9mm in a single session. Better than a chicken rotisserie: set it and forget it.
Yes - get the media separator
Get the magnet device. Worth every penny
There are 2 great recommendations here: 9mm worth of Dawn and 380 worth of Lemi Shine or 2 drops Dawn and 2 pinches of Lemi Shine. If you have hard warter versus if you have soft water.
Lemi Shine is citric acid. I buy citric acid (used for canning) from BezosTown. It's much cheaper. Same stuff.