You can get the MW-101 for $89. It doesn't have the auto temp correction (you have to do it manually using the dial), but it's pretty much the same thing as long as you cool your wort to room temp. From what I've read taking readings of hot wort is bad for the probe and you should cool it down anyway.
Bonus: I got mine from Amazon's Warehouse (look for the link at the bottom of the page). They aren't in stock right now, but I think I got a damaged box one and it was $65 or so.
That was my first pH meter. Your mileage may vary, but even with proper care, it was never very reliable past a couple months, and needed constant recalibration. After readings of a 7.01 buffer became pretty much random, I ended up getting one of these. Even after several months, with the exact same maintenance and storage procedures, its been bang-on every time I've tested it against calibration buffers.
Edit: Whoops, linked to a US vendor. Same meter is around £50 on Pricier than you wanted, I know, but it does work.
Looking to upgrade my pH meter. Has anyone used the Milwaukee MW101? It has positive feedback on brewing forums, but there are some bad reviews on Amazon. MW102 is a little more pricey but has better reviews...
Apera PH60 looks solid, but doesn't have the temperature adjustment
Can someone vouch for any of these or suggest alternatives? Thanks!
I went with MW101 as suggested by Kaiser. I probably calibrate it every month or so, with little or no adjustments.