Activity level is one of the most basic pieces of temperament and is pretty solidly baked into most kids' cakes.
The skill he needs most is the ability to be still and quiet. You can teach him what "still and quiet" looks like by playing little games around it. "Your hands are quiet and your feet are quiet and your body is quiet and your mouth is quiet. You are being calm!" Etc.
Recommend daily practice around even a few seconds of being still. Paying attention to things. Noticing what something is like, in detail. When he is a bit older, start looking for little daily mindfulness stuff. He is a bit small for these now but take a look.
It can get easier, over time, but it's best to be thoughtful and intervene early if he does have behavior problems. (Right now it doesn't sound like he's doing anything out of the ordinary for his age and stage.) You would want to look into good solid behavioral parent training programs like Boys Town's Common Sense Parenting classes or ones like it.