A good middle ground would be a DeBuyer Mineral B pan. I have a 10 inch one. It has the same heat retention as a cast iron, but is much much lighter, and you aren't as limited by the shape as you would be with a Kadai
I think that 24cm Poêle paysanne MINERAL B is just the right call at 48€ . All due credit to u\B-is-for-beer
Shouldn't be harder or easier to deal with than any other CS piece.
I have these two that are probably close to what you want:
The DeBuyer has a 28cm variant too. The Lodge is cast iron and quite heavy. On Amazon.com Lodge cost A LOT less even with shipping costs and import taxes. You can buy the deep skillet stand alone for around 20$ and theres a dutch oven lid for the pan too.
The Lodge would be more versatile especially with the pan as lid but i like the DeBuyer a bit more especially for styr frying stuff.