Just started using a Pilot Metropolitan with Monteverde Midnight Black in the PPP notebook, I've heard the Artist's Loft ones are fp friendly too but it looks like that depends on which pen & ink you use, I just tried the combo I mentioned and it's fine but there's a few others on the test page that bled. There's another brand on Amazon I got but haven't used yet because I can't remember wtf I'd bought it for, Minimalism Art, that one appears to be fp friendly as well!
my absolute favorite so far has got to be the minimalism art A5 bullet notebook. it's a bit smaller than alot of the journals i see on here, but it has neber done me wrong (i.e, i have never had a marker or pen bleed through lol). also, if you haven't got the most amount of money to spend on the journal, it's cheap (compared to the more popular bullet journals)
if you're interested, here's the link to where i got mine on amazon, but i'm sure you could find it in store too, i think i've seen it at target and michael's but don't hold me on that:
I use these, and absolutely love them! Great quality for the price! I've tried other journals, and always go back to this one. Personally, I've found them to be superior to the Moleskine.
Thank you! It's a Minimalism Art classic notebook. $11 on Amazon! I'm really pleased with my choice.
This one from amazon: Minimalism Art, Classic Notebook Journal, A5 Size 5 X 8.3 inches, Black, Dotted Grid Page, 192 Pages, Hard Cover, Fine PU Leather, Inner Pocket, Quali https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M1CP9KE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_5bBEr3f2mezYU
I've been using Minimalism Art notebooks. There's 192 100 GSM pages, and I find they're pretty good quality. Amazon has them for just under $8 a piece, and you used to be able to buy three-packs in about seven colors for around $15, but I'm only seeing the three-pack in light blue, for $13. So there's that, if you don't mind light blue.
I tend to go to Barnes and Noble for bullet journals. They have some pretty ones. My preferred journal is an A5 dotted type. Amazon also has a couple good brands too I’ve tried. Here’s the specific one I’m using right now.
I get my pens from Amazon. They’re like off-brand Staedlers: 60-pack with stencils or a smaller pack for trying.
Happy bullet journaling!
Depending on your budget you can go for Muji, Moleskins or Ban.do! Amazon also carries a few that are cute