OP here.
I added some water-storing crystals to this Northshore Supreme. AMAZING.
I posted a lil while back a tutorial I found on Tumblr on how to make diapers more absorbent and bulky. I got a couple comments about how it might irritate skin, so I didn't try it.
I saw another poster here on Reddit have a bag of the crystals with his stash and I inquired about it. He said that he had good luck with adding crystals.
So I cut a tiny hole (like less than one centimeter) on the inside back, just above the padding. I used a funnel to pour the crystals into the spot between the liner and plastic. I didn't really know how much to put in, maybe half cup? Then folded it taco-style and tried to distribute throughout, but due to the expansion that part doesn't really matter.
Anyway, it was AMAZING. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!
I wore it for ~14-15 hours, didn't experience any issues with skin irritation or other problems.
HOWEVER, I did experience the best feeling I've probably had. It was SO bulky, SO squishy, SO heavy.
I ordered 5 more packages of the crystals to mod my diapers now.
Miracle-Gro Water Storing Crystals, 12-Ounce Miracle-Gro
I've used the Precipitube for many years; I've tried other humidification systems but haven't found anything else that works better (aside from humidifying your room or house) - I only use a little bleach if the crystals are visibly turning black, and I don't put the tube back into my case without wiping it and making sure it's dry.
The crystals hold moisture well enough that I've never had issues with the tube dripping, and I use mine in a relatively expensive case (an Accord); I have a friend who uses a Precipitube in a Gewa Idea (which has the same interior as the Air) without any problems. I have other friends who use them in their Riboni, Musafia, Negri, and other premium cases, and standard cases like Bobelocks and Bams - nobody has ever had any issues.
If the crystals seem too far gone to fix with bleach, I replace them - these seem to be the same as what they use, and $9 gets you enough for a lifetime, even if you share with friends.
The most popular is probably from Miracle-Gro.
You should definitely have them in your country in some local gardening store. They're usually called something like "water storing gel" or "water storing crystals".
I have seen people use them but I don’t trust them personally because of possible additives and dyes. This is what I normally use. One bag with last you forever Miracle-Gro Water Storing Crystals, 12-Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0042YYVYG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BYC5WCM6NX72R11F0X14?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
To me it looks like water crystals.
Occasionally if you buy cut flowers they might come with a small package of water crystals. You dump it in the vase with the water and they swell up and become a gel like substance. You can also buy larger amounts (like in the Amazon link) intended for mixing in with potting soil. Also I have a pet lizard and occasionally when I receive orders of live bugs through the mail the seller might throw in a small baggie of crystals that looks identical to this (mix the crystals with water then you can give the crystals to the bugs as a source of water).
Ultimately its going to be impossible to say for sure what a mystery white crystal substance might be just from a picture :).
You could always look into those "water crystals". Basically take a big handful of them and toss them in a bucket of water, let them absorb for a little while and then mix them into your pot. You could probably cover with rocks or some kind of mulch and you should be fine.
Also, I feel like chili's are fairly resilient and would bounce back quickly should anything go awry.
google garden water crystals - The first one I saw on Amazon was just under $9 for a 12 oz bag. (340 g)
Same stuff (probably) but formulated for the purpose of watering plants.
Also, to get the stuff out of a diaper means lots of time spent getting it out and having to throw away all the garbage created in the process.
Water-holding crystals. They absorb extra water when it's abundant, and release it slowly as the soil dries out. Soooo helpful for containers.
Petunias are actually a sun-to-part-shade flower, not a 16-hrs-day-blinding-sun flower. Truly full-strong-sun annuals include celosia, cosmos, coreopsis, gazania, nasturtium, poppies, moss rose (Portulaca grandiflora), rudbeckia, salvia, sunflowers, and zinnias. But if you can provide good soil and steady water, petunias should be ok.
Garden produce: Just dig in lots of manure, and you'll be able to grow any normal vegetables. An automatic watering system on a timer helps.
Ever use Miracle grow water storing Crystals? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0042YYVYG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_7VRTCB6PXKJ4SV21FJ16?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Ever try mixing this into the subsstrate to retain moisture. Miracle-grow water storing Crystals https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0042YYVYG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_VKWAH4RSKWP5EZ66ZFMD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Looks like water storing crystals. These "crystals" store water to help extend the time between waterings. https://www.amazon.com/Miracle-Gro-Water-Storing-Crystals-12-Ounce/dp/B0042YYVYG
Usually anything above 65F at night is fine, they'll be able to access higher temps during the day but having something like a ceramic heat emitter so they can warm up at night won't hurt either. I would get some good temperature and humidity gauges before making any changes, though. I just made a comment in another thread outlining my gauge setup. If there was a single one I would go for, it would be the IR temp gun and there are some digital hygrometers you can get for ~$5.
On the diet, try to work in more variety. Crickets are okay but mealworms shouldn't be a staple. Phoenix worms are really good for them, dubia roaches and silkworms are also very nutritious. Part of the issue with mealworms is the amount of exoskeleton that is difficult to digest in large amounts.
Gut-loading is just feeding the insects nutritious food and giving them water before feeding. This ensures that they are packed with vitamins and nutrients, as well having a higher water content. Whatever is going into the insects is going into the gecko. Veggies like fresh collards are good, potatoes, and a "chow" can be bought premade online or made yourself cheaply (chicken feed, fish food, and calcium mixed together seems to be good). For water, I use water storing crystals. It's a crystal like substance that turns to gel when mixed with water, the pet stores sell the same stuff for several times the price.
Dusting is good. I think you're probably good there.
I would try to upgrade him to a larger size. 40B is best, with 20gal Long being the bare minimum. Maybe look into setting up a bioactive enclosure with live plants, UVB lighting, and the works. But that's a whole other rabbit hole we could go down and talk about for hours lol
Potting gel from a houseplant?
It's very similar to this stuff which is used in gardening to help retain moisture. It's non-toxic and would just get into your soil.
Here is my setup, super basic.
Stick a heating pad to the top. I used a Zoomed heating pad for this and it works great
Take a square tupperware dish and cut it in half. On one end put water crystals in one half of the tupperware, and Food of your choosing on the other side.
Insert your roachboiz. I bought a "starter pack" on ebay for $30 bucks and left it alone for around 3 months or so. You want 5 females to every adult male dubia. Here is what they look like as adults
Check on them every other day or so, and try to not use any adults for a month or so. I recommend buying other roaches for around 2-3 months and let the colony get set.
Give 1/2 an orange every other week or so to boost their growth.
Sit back and relax, and enjoy free mantid/insect food.
To give you an idea. I did just this because i got REALLY sick of crickets dying. I actually perfected keeping a cricket colony, but roaches are better all around for insects. Crickets can cause all sorts of varying issues and can harm your mantids during a molt, roaches wont.
I have had my colony since March 2nd, and I now have around 400 dubias in one tank, and around 500 Lateralis roaches in the other. Free food that self replicates. :D
You can even go more handsfree and get some beetles to eat the roach molts and drop them inside. There are a few videos on youtube of how to get your colony going. Ill link them once I locate the two i used.
I looked into the roaches before and I will start one soon I think. Are the water crystals just http://www.amazon.com/Miracle-Gro-100831-Storing-Crystals-12-Ounce/dp/B0042YYVYG/ref=sr_1_1?s=lawn-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1437158578&sr=1-1&keywords=water+crystals
I would keep them in my garage. It doesn't have AC, so sometimes can get over 100 degrees in the summer. Would that be a problem?
If I ordered like 25 http://dubiaroaches.com/for-sale/large/ would this be enough to establish a coloney over a month or so? I have plenty of supers until then.
Miracle-Gro Water Storing Crystals, 12-Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0042YYVYG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_CTZT1SCQ5B413Y1FHBRZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1