We own this one: https://www.amazon.com/Mirari-Wake-Alarm-Clock-Night-Light/dp/B00EAHSBV4
Upside: 'green means go' is a mantra that our 2 year old gets.
Downside: it only stays green for 30 mins, so if your LO sleeps in, and misses the green window, you're all SOL.
Our guy has always woken up early. We started using one of the Mirari OK to Wake lights around 14 months. The light turns on at a time you set. So you can at least try to explain that if the light isn't on yet, he should go back to sleep or play in his crib. It felt like when I came in must seem arbitrary to him otherwise because he would always wake up at a slightly different time. We set it for 6:45. All this said, he still tends to wake up early and wail after a while. I think we just have a baby that doesn't sleep that much. But we at least have something to stick to and it has helped. I walk right in after the little light has turned on so he builds that association. Amazon link here.
might be a little young, but you might want to try a wake up light clock. Like this one from Amazon
My daughter was getting up because she was fearful that she was missing out on stuff outside her room. Once i taught her that when the clock turned green she could get out of bed, our lives have both been much better.
You could try an "Okay to Wake" clock that lights up when it's okay to go. It's generally for toddlers to avoid bothering their sleeping parents but could help you in this case!
Example: https://www.amazon.com/Mirari-Wake-Alarm-Clock-Night-Light/dp/B00EAHSBV4
My wife says it’s this one, looks basically the same just sold under a different name I guess?
Ok to wake clocks are a thing. Does pretty much exactly what you’re wanting and teaches them to tell time as well. We used one for both our kids and know a bunch of other parents who used exact same one as well.
OK to Wake! Alarm Clock & Night-Light https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00EAHSBV4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_91N8V37KDZSRWJ9Z2R44?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I got the Ok to Wake clock on sale at Target. It has worked pretty well so far. My LO knows not to get up until the bug is green. The only downside is that it turns off after half an hr so if he sleeps longer then he will yell instead of poking the button to see the time. Amazon has a ton of different options depending on function and budget. I just wanted something to light up when it was ok to get up but not sound an alarm. This is the one we have.
OK to Wake clock. The clock turns yellow when it's time for bed and then green when it's okay to get out of bed. Great for the early birds come weekend times. We use it to have kiddo stay in bed an extra hour or so on the weekends cause he can wake at 630am no problem. We started using it at 5 years old for school, so we also use the actual alarm. He gets up just fine with it and gets ready for school mostly on his own. I personally hated (and still hate) being woken up by my parents (by my SO) vs an alarm and SS is so much like me I figured the alarm might be the best option. I'll try and leave a a Amazon link, if not you can Google OK to Wake.
I ordered it from amazon.
Mirari OK to Wake! Alarm Clock & Night-Light https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EAHSBV4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_qmkUDb7M6F9E2
My little girl started getting out of bed on her own. She kept getting up earlier and earlier, so I ordered this. I talked with her before about it and when we got it, she now loves it. We only need it to light up for when it’s okay to get up and leave her room. It’s not too bright so if she wants to sleep later, she can & it stays lit up. It doesn’t make any sound when it lights up either. It also has loads of other features, but we don’t need them quite yet. She loves it and comes downstairs in the mornings now saying how she can come down because her clock turned green. It’s a success in my house!
we got an ok to wake clock and use that to tell the kiddos they can’t get up till the clock is green. BUT you have to set it for a few minutes before they normally get up, then slowly transition it back 15 or so minutes at a time. It can take a few weeks, but worked for us!
My oldest (7) has been an early bird his whole life. Early on, one of us (usually me) had to get up with him. Since he wasn't old enough to read a clock, we got him an OK to wake clock and taught him that he needed to stay in bed until it turned green. That got him used to the idea that he had to stay in bed until a certain time.
Now he can read a clock, and can get up on his own, but we have a rule that he has to stay on bed until 6:00. He must lay there staring at the clock, because every morning (school or otherwise) I wake up to a rumble of footsteps at 6 sharp.
I'd put a rule in place that she has to be in bed with no screens until a certain time. If she's getting to bed at a reasonable hour consistently, 6:00 AM is probably a reasonable early limit, but adjust based on your own family.
My oldest always does. I actually received an Ok to wake clock for him last Christmas, but he broke it the same day that we put it together. I might try my hand at fixing it. I just wish he would try going back to bed rather than waking little brother who usually sleeps through the night now.
We got an ok to wake clock and it helped our 4am walker sleep till 6!
Try am ok to wake clock!
Is she old enough to understand the green light clock. It turns green when it is late enough to get out of bed. Here
Lather: House of Mammoth - Sonder - Soap
Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Sonder - Aftershave
Fragrance: Chiseled Face - Ghost Town Barber - Eau de Parfum
As you can see from my SOTD pic, the living with these little girls is getting out of hand. But, you know, they're cute so I'll take it.
We'll start with the Sonder thought of the day, today:
My attitude affects my family in huge ways. And, so does yours. As a husband and dad, I've noticed that waaaay too often if I have a bad attitude it poisons my home. This morning was an opportunity for me to fix that. Last night did not go well, at all. My youngest (who turns 3 on Monday) told us before she went to bed that "tonight I'm going to cry for you" and sure enough she did, starting at 5:30am. She has an OK to wake clock that turns green at 7am when she's allowed to get up. Well, this morning she decided 5:30 was enough and absolutely would not go back to sleep or stop whining, no matter what we tried. Also, my 4 year old son woke at about 2:30am because he had to pee, and, of course he needed help. Dad to the rescue. I've also been dealing with a stupid head cold since last Friday and had every reason to have a bad attitude this morning, but as I sipped my coffee and took pics of my gear and pondered Sonder for a bit, I thought - I'm going to choose to not be in a bad mood this morning, not succumb to the irritability that I feel, and fight to have a positive attitude. Just like a poor attitude can be toxic to my family, a good attitude can be so uplifting. And, sure enough, it was. My wife and I got along this morning, my kids were happier (although still sleep deprived and at times a roller coaster of emotions), and the morning has gone pretty darn well. So - for you - consider how your attitude affects those around you. We're all selfish and we all think of ourselves more than anyone else, but, just like someone else's negative attitude can trip up your whole day, yours can for others, too. So - choose to reject that irritability and be happy. Uplift those you love instead of being nitpicky and bickering about stupid stuff. I was tempted to do it this morning (and I'm sure I'll fail again), but I didn't succumb, and the trajectory of this day is infinitely better for it.
Today's shave was a solid start to the day, if for no other reason than I was able to reorient my day as touched on above.
The Zenith was still a bit damp from yesterday (darn humidity) but I've found that doesn't matter too much. It might help, even, in lathering up as I try and get a bunch of water into the brush prior to loading. The bristles seem to be splitting more and more each day, which is nice. Probably not trying out slows that down a little and letting it dry for 2 days would help, but this is the month to Raw Hog every day so I won't find out. Maybe when that killer green sub exclusive arrives I'll do it a better way and I'll get to enjoy GUTL again. Speaking of that brush, u/J33pGuy13 promised official purchase information "within a week" and he only has one day left. Given his incessant asking for Lather Games results, it only seems reasonable to start dogging him for information here. You're welcome.
MMOC was fine. I think getting up so early made me sloppy and I had several small nicks and some razor burn to deal with afterwards, but nothing terrible. I pulled the blade out to give it a look and it seems fine in there still, no rusting or anything even though I haven't been taking it out to dry daily or anything like that. Seemed a little tuggier today than it has been, but, again - who knows. That could be just a perception and not reality. Hopefully it's not on the decline just 10 days in, that would suck. With almost 2/3 of the way to go, if the blade starts to crap out now, aye.
Sonder was, as usual, lovely and inspirational. Paired it with some Ghost Town Barber EDP today and honestly it's not the best pair, but it's not the worst either. The woody note from Sonder works with GTB and all its glory, but, Admiral is better.
Welp, back to work for me. Enjoy the afternoon/evening/morning, all!
This clock for my kid that turns green when it is ok for him to get up but can be set to not make any alarm noise. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EAHSBV4/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
We bought this clock for our daughter years ago and it had an added bonus of help my SIL with her DD because she was the same as your child. This worked great. The clock turns green when you set up a wake up time for her. It works well with naps too. It was a god send for her and us!Good luck and it help her tell time too.
We had the 1st one but I also know the 2nd works well too Mirari OK to Wake! Alarm Clock & Night-Light https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EAHSBV4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_YTW0JSE35TYZHYWFNSHD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Time to Wake Alarm Clock for Kids, Children's Sleep Trainer, Kids Wake Up Light, Sleep Sound Machine https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YTS1KWP/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_C5RKKT5WCW65PQEYKKGY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Mirari OK to Wake! Alarm Clock & Night-Light | $32.77 | - | 4.3/5.0 |
Hatch Rest+ Baby Sound Machine, Night Light, Time… | $88.87 | - | 4.5/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
We have this one, which only turns green but it’s super helpful with keeping early birds in bed a little longer.
I’ve also heard good things about this one. You can change times and colors from your phone, which might be helpful for you!
Get a toddler clock - it's a game changer. My little guy has had one since he was around 18mo. We use this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EAHSBV4/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1
OP, you need this in your life. “Can’t get up yet, the clock’s not green!”
Mirari OK to Wake! Alarm Clock & Night-Light https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00EAHSBV4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_3H5GC5GDYSQQ2Z7K58NB
They have it on Amazon.
Mirari OK to Wake! Alarm Clock & Night-Light https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EAHSBV4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Ygn2Cb62T9ZXK
We have this one. Works well enough, but I think you can only set one “wake up time.”
We got a ok to wake clock for this issue. I also had to put a lock on her door for a week to keep her from leaving(id always unlock it after she fell asleep or stopped messing with the door). After a week of this she did fine and didn’t leave her room unless the clock turned green(which I then removed the lock since it wasn’t needed anymore). Mine also dropped naps early(when she turned 2) we do quiet time instead for a hour and half. We also did the above for a week before the routine set in. It’s been a year since I got the clock and did the door lock and we haven’t had issues since.
This is the clock we got https://www.amazon.com/Mirari-Wake-Alarm-Clock-Night-Light/dp/B00EAHSBV4
This is the door lock https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01K3SOW98/ref=sspa_mw_detail_0?psc=1
You could also remove the doorknob and flip it so the locks on the outside instead of getting a door cover.
OK to Wake! Alarm Clock & Night-Light https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EAHSBV4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_jLyTzb77NXC94
Here's one I've read about on the parent listserv: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EAHSBV4. There are a few out there, same general concept, and I'll add them if I can remember their names.
Ha here's another for 60 freaking dollars but the reviews are very positive: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00NC10YFA/
It might be worth trying a toddler clock like this one.
Here is one on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/OK-Wake-Alarm-Clock-Night-Light/dp/B00EAHSBV4
Here is a link to several more: http://www.digitalmomblog.com/toddler-alarm-clocks/
An ok to wake alarm clock . It lights up green when it's time to come out of the room. It red when they need to stay. It has worked for my 4 yr old. Mirari OK to Wake! Alarm Clock & Night-Light https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EAHSBV4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_9aGyDbG3W1RZ7
Buy this now! This has saved us. We trained our twins so they stay in their rooms until it's time to get up.