Amazon classifies Mistoborn as YA:
Stormlight is marketed to adults, but there isn't a paragraph in it that wouldn't be comprehensible or appropriate for a 14 year old.
I like Sanderson's books. I just also think they're childish.
In fact the only book that was recommended here that I didn't like The Night Circus.
Mistborn paperback is classified as YA on Amazon. This classification requires the publisher to enter this - not Amazon. Mistborn also has the "teacher's pick" label on Amazon (ebook, paperback, and audiobook).
I think you would like the Mistborn Trilogy (Goodreads | Amazon) by Brandon Sanderson. Although the female protagonist is younger than your requirements, all the characters are well developed and three dimensional. Spectacular worldbuilding coupled with a unique magic system, really elevates the plot. Give it a try. I think it is one of those series that not everybody might love, but nobody can hate. Cheers!