Sorry to hear that. I hope it goes smoothly.
If you are planning to self-study, I highly recommend the book <em>Misteaks. . . and how to find them before the teacher does</em>. It specifically targets calculus students. It's concerned with training for school assessment tests, and it's eccentric but it also breaks down the development of calculation with newly introduced math concepts as a skill more clearly than any other source I've read. (Though admittedly I haven't really paid attention to math education in over twenty years, so something better may have since come along.)
Mostly curious: What kind of writing implements will you be allowed to use? Is there a whitelist of specific models of calculator you'll be allowed to have? Is there a way to secure valuable items like calculators from theft?
Structure your free time. If you intend to study at a certain time, plan out what you want to do then. I find it helpful to plan it out in 30 minute intervals.
Study Math. <em>Misteaks. . . and how to find them before the teacher does. . .</em> provides great guidance on how to study it.