I think I read the same article as you about this french startup that has worked out a way to make these curved sensors for way cheaper. But in the very same article they mention that the application field is more astronomy etc ... The main selling point of a curved sensor is that you can compensate aberrations by carefully tayloring the curvature of the sensor to the curvature of the wavefront aberrations induced by the optics in front of it. In any case, I think that you may be a bit confused as to what an "afocal lens" is. I suggest that you first go through an optical design book and then try to work out what you could do with a curved sensor. In any case good ideas can come from anyone so I would not discourage you to search through all this !
Seconded, it's exactly what you need and really well written https://www.amazon.co.uk/Modern-Design-McGraw-Hill-Professional-Engineering/dp/0071438300