/r/cordcutters has some good tips
oh and FYI, amazon has a good one on sale today
I had rabbit ears and they had issues depending on the weather. I then bought Mohu Leaf 50 and it works very well. I'm about 25-30 miles from the towers. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HSMK59E/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I've tried a bunch of different flat antennas and my best luck has been with the Mohu Leaf 50. I live out in the burbs and can still pick up a good signal from all local networks.
We have 2x Mohu Leaf 50 TV Antenna. One of them died after 3 years of use. I emailed the company and they sent me a replacement one for free. Been using them for almost 5-6 years in total.
If your going to do over the air, and yes this will look better then cable or satellite for the most part.
This isnt a normal antenna as they use some sort of special fractal design IIRC to boost signal and quality.
really only thing I wanted to add, I wouldn't use the digital tuner inside the tv but thats just me.
Just one of those powered antennas thats a flat box you hang near a window. Always worked great before hand. Not sure if it has an extender. Apparently they say we can get 11 OTA channels and this antenna is the one they recommend. CBS isn't on the list though and that is where a lot of the games I'd like to watch in HD would be (at least for college football).
This reminds of a post made in made in /r/CordCutters where a person told a millennial co-worker how to get free channels via an antenna and the co-workers response "watching free tv isn't that illegal?" Haha...
Many younger folks are use to just paying and have no idea about free antenna broadcast.
Anyways like most commented, you can use an antenna to get the major networks like Fox, NBC, ABC, CW, PBS etc. I'm 35 miles away from a transmitter and get over 140 channels with a Mohu 50: https://www.amazon.com/Mohu-Paper-thin-Reversible-Performance-MH-110599/dp/B00HSMK59E
You can find how far away your from broadcast transmitters from the links in TheKoG reply.
I get NBC clear hear in Church Hill using one of these https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HSMK59E/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I've had really really good success with this antenna, in both apartments and houses.
I ended up picking up a Mohu Leaf 50 from Walmart for 50 bucks. Working great! Picks up all the channels I was wanting!
This has worked great for me in Centennial http://www.amazon.com/Mohu-Leaf-Amplified-Indoor-Antenna/dp/B00HSMK59E
First, welcome to PA. You will love it compared to MD. Second, I think Comcast is the only game unless you want Verizon DSL. We also use a lot of bandwidth in our household. Comcast is on this kick of rollout out data caps and I would/will be screwed if I was hit with a cap. What we ended up doing is getting Comcast Business internet. It is slow compared to residential (16/9) but there are no caps what so ever on business class internet. For TV we stream Netflix, Amazon, Apple TV and we use a Mohu Leaf for local broadcast. Hope this helps.
I was looking into this, and just a heads up http://www.amazon.com/Mohu-Amplified-Antenna-formerly-Ultimate/dp/B00HSMK59E/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1442253172&sr=8-7&keywords=leaf+antenna is amazons deal of the day