Check out Money Honey. It’s down to earth and fun to read. But TL;DR:
1.) save an emergency fund 2.) invest in a simple maybe 60/40 domestic international index split like $VTI/$VXUS 3.) consider real estate. You could buy a duplex. Live in half, rent the other 0 mortgage and maybe some net 4.) Budget like you never had this money e.g. immediately pay yourself forward by putting it somewhere you won’t be tempted to take it out, as in your IRA your 401k your HSA and then your brokerage accounts.
From the article:
> "I started thinking about writing a book in early 2017 because all my family and friends were coming to me for financial advice," she says. "I also began to wonder, well, why aren't they reading books or learning on their own? [...] And that's where the idea for 'Money Honey' came from."
So, yep, exactly.
Not sure if its allowed, but a friend of mine wrote this book. Very basic, but if you need basic...