Looks like decent clearance under that case. If so, than something like this might be an option
Though there ones that are metal woth plenty of holes in them for air to get thru.
Thanks man! I re-arrange these shelves constantly to get the cool right. The shelves are closetmaid 13504 I think (search on ebay/amazon) and the risers I bought on amazon here:
Monoprice Multimedia Riser Desktop Monitor Stand - Medium, 25.6 x 11.0 Inches, Clear Glass - Workstream Collection https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MCVUDKM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_YYVJDbB0316EC
The risers are great for the translucent items since they are glass and obviously let light through.
Not sure if you're looking for something like this but, I have carpet and ended up getting one of these and it looks nice and does its job.
i wouldve shatter that glass with my foot lol
have you consider lifting it off the ground, you could try one of these
This guy: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MCVUDKM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Looks like they're sold out but you might be able to find something similar. The quality is a bit of a gamble but I got lucky with the 2nd one amazon sent me after returning the first.
Not sure what size BVM you're looking at, so I apologize if this suggestion is too small for your needs. I grabbed this stand for use with my PVM 14M4U and various other PC CRT monitors (only 15 to 17" in size so far). Pics of it on my desk here and here. This stand probably wouldn't be a good choice for a 19/20" PVM/BVM however (the weight of a BVM at that size might be pushing it, can't remember... and regardless, it would be much too deep).
The Amazon description currently says it has a maximum weight capacity of 80 lbs, but I could've sworn it said 60 lbs when I bought it a year ago. Might not be deep enough for a 14" BVM (which I believe are deeper then the equivalent sized PVMs if I'm not mistaken).
I use this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MCVUDKM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 works pretty well for my NZXT h440.
I own this one. It works perfectly as a stand for my tower.
P.S. I have a Define R5 too. http://i.imgur.com/W1Ffx2q.jpg