I didn't have enough milk, either. You doo what you need to do in order to feed that baby.
I would have a chat with the local domestic violence people to see what options you have for government help - Snap, rent assistance, etc. They may even have short term housing for you and the baby.
I didn't have enough milk, either. You do what you need to do in order to feed that baby.
See if you can get something in writing from your pediatrician about the formula being essential and non-negotiable. You can wave that under her nose, and also have it on hand incase she gets the bright idea to call CPS on you.
If you are stuck with staying with her, I would suggest a key lock for your door. Or, maybe a keypad lock. My sister's partner is an alcoholic that is in and out of recovery. (Long story.) But, she has one of these critters with a sturdy lock to store her booze in. It looks like they come in various sizes, you may be able to get one that slides under your bed. If you are really playing with fire, you can get a sharpie or carve with a Dremel tool something like "This case belongs to AmazingKale. If you are not presented with photo ID, this case has been stolen. Please call (zzz) zzz-zzzz for pickup."
This is the case. Its not advertised as smell proof but I have not been able to smell anything coming from it yet.
>What case and if different sizes, which size please. Looking at getting one soon as im going overseas for work and need better luggage for the valuables.
Heck ya dude! I found 22*14*8 worked for me! I also used Flex seal on the pick and pluck foam to make it solidify!
>What size case is this? I was looking into some options for mine. I have a full keyb, but had the same purpose in mind.
So the case size is 22*14*8 gives enough room for everything to be flush
>Can you name the case brand and also the Typ? Nice set up for business trips!!! 👌
Of course dude, this is the case I bought! Its just a knock off pelican
Actually no, you have to keep the clean and on a shelf. Sometimes the gunk getting inside can have already gotten in without you noticing. But there is also the possibility of something on the inside breaking and scratching it up.
So just keep your skylands on a shelf, make sure there is minimal dust or dirt and shake their bases for any signs of internal debris. You can also store them in a box like this https://www.amazon.com/Monoprice-Weatherproof-Shockproof-Hard-Case/dp/B00SSFAPVI/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=Plastic+Case+with+Foam&qid=1667086772&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI2LjYxIiwicXNhIjoiNS45MCIsInFzcCI6IjUuMjgifQ%3D%3D&sr=8-3&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc
for storage while keeping them safe from gunk, bending or being roughed up
I bought this from Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00SSFAPVI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) , but it is a bit expensive. The upside is it feels really hefty, and it claims to be waterproof. There's two layers of pick-foam, so it's got enough room to store all the accessories (which I suspect most of us need!).
I'm sure someone else has found a solution in the past, but wanted to share what is working for me in 2022 :)
Let me know if you want more photos or where I made the cut-outs.
I tried that case but with the collapsed stock and compensator on my specific configuration it was 3/4" too small. I ended up using the monoprice from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00SSFAPVI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_VVuICbGPKN4EZ
My bad lol, forgot which subreddit I was in.
>22x14 Monoprice weatherproof/shockproof Hard case off of Amazon.
There are a few on Amazon but they get really expensive. What I would recommend is getting a hard case with customizable/pluckable foam so you can make it fit your gear snugly. I use that for travel.
For general home storage, I got a 40 dollar DSLR camera backpack that has a thick foam layer and removeable padding. Keep in mind this isn’t for travel or flinging around. Just to keep it dust free. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002VPE1WK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_E5hvCbBKH59Z0