I didn't install them, the last owner's mechanic did. The bill says:
172263/172264 Quick strut: https://www.amazon.com/Monroe-172263-Quick-Strut-Assembly/dp/B009B42G58
5k miles ago. The catch is that was in 12/2014 as the car sat for a while. I just checked the back of the bill and it says that the parts are covered under lifetime warranty, labor isn't, and only as long as the original customer brings it in. Maybe I can convince them to bring it in...
I'm pretty sure I do have lowering springs on the rear shocks, yeah. If I went with a complete strut assembly like so would I still have to swap over the spring and upper mount.
That's awesome, thanks for the tip!
As for the process itself, any tips or guides you used? Do you have to replace the mount as well when swapping a broken strut or just the strut itself? Any benefit to spending an extra $20 a strut and getting a fully assembled unit such as these: http://www.amazon.com/Monroe-172263-Quick-Strut-Assembly/dp/B009B42G58/ref=pd_sbs_263_7? ie=UTF8&refRID=04EXCDNV5GSXTE9XWQJ4 ??