Look into these -> https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000C53ZSC?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00
Over spacers.
Thanks for the tip. I am actually considering Moog springs since I will be going with them for a lot of other suspension parts. The only issue is that they have mixed reviews on Amazon. Lots of folks say that on the ZJ they sag very quickly since it's heavier and then the top part of the spring pancakes and makes a lot of noise. Thats what I am reading here:https://www.amazon.com/Moog-CC782-Coil-Spring-Set/dp/B000C53ZSC.
This makes me want to go with a fixed rate spring instead like Omix-ADA even though it's about double the price.
My .02 worth, spend the $64 on these vs junkyard coils (which will probably be sagging or getting ready to). Moog CC782
They're equivalent to the XJ UpCountry front coils and will get you a hair over 1", add in these Energy Suspension 2.6103G Spring Isolator and you'll hit right at 2" of lift.