Universalis (available on browser, Android, and almost certainly iOS, also downloadable as epub) is, in my opinion, the single best "beginner-friendly" option for the Divine Office. Everything is laid out very nicely, the translations are excellent (disclosure: the Grail Psalms are copyright, and thus require a single time payment), and the app is easy to follow.
There is also, I believe, a single paper version for Lauds, Vespers, and Compline. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Morning-Evening-Prayer-Not-Available/dp/0007211333 (look for this in your local Amazon). There is also "Shorter Morning and Evening Prayer" if you want something less fiddly.
r/divineoffice will have more resources, but for someone just getting into the Office, I will always recommend Universalis as the easiest and most fool-proof jumping in point!