Be aware of the seller, and buy only from sellers who provide this info up front or who will provide images to you of the actual item for sale (vs. stock images). Many sellers also use phrases like "manufacturer-sealed" to assure authenticity and condition.
For example, for the seller "", these messages will be displayed when applicable: >Note: This product is manufactured on demand when ordered from
And this:
>When sold by, this product is manufactured on demand using CD-R recordable media.
As shown here:
Also, if you buy something that is misrepresented by any 3rd-party seller on Amazon, you can contact the seller and ask to return the item for a refund, and file an A-Z claim if they refuse. If the applicable listing was FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon), I think you can simply return it for a full refund under reason "not as described", no questions asked (I'm a Prime Member but I don't think that is a factor).