Personally I think potassium is the most difficult nutrient to get enough of. To help with my daily goal I have switched over to using lite salt which is an iodized blend of sodium and potassium. Over the past 7 days I have averaged 4500 mg of potassium from dates, soy milk, coffee, carrots, and lite salt.
(To be fair, I am currently consuming an unsustainable amount of dates, but this 11 lb box isn't going to eat itself!)
For most people, leafy greens are the best bet for easily increasing your intake. One cup of cooked chard is nearly 1000 mg.
I was wondering if there are any Canadians here who could help me out with the whole ketoade/electrolyte issue.
Up here in the frozen north, lite salt is not cheap like I see so many saying it is in the states. And I wondered if Canadian ketoers are just eating that cost 'cause one must electrolyte, or if it's just a matter of getting what you need from food. Or something else?
Pretty new and just looking for the right direction to make the headaches and mild nausea stop.
Lite salt is a mix of regular salt and "no salt"/Potassium chloride.
There doesn't seem to be science that pink salt is better salt for you than other salts, even if it's often recommended.
> Could potassium supplementation help?
YES lol, look up "lite salt"
It's 350mg potassium and 290mg sodium, I guarantee you probably aren't getting any potassium and it's raping you.
As others have said, lots of veggies and more potatoes (not fried ideally). In order to help with my potassium intake, I have switched the salt I use in my cooking to Lite Salt, which is where about half of the sodium chloride has been replaced with potassium chloride. The taste is nearly identical, although some people are more sensitive to the difference than others. Look in your local grocery for it. There are also some salt substitutes that are entirely potassium chloride, but those will have an even stronger change in taste. Just check the nutrition panel of whichever one you find.
You can cut down the omega's easy by cutting down the walnut oil and flaxseeds, and up the potassium by using lite salt. Psyllium husk powder is good for adding more fiber, and you can keep the fat levels high with something like extra virgin olive oil or cold-pressed canola oil.
Check out lite salt. It's a 50/50 split of standard sodium chloride (table salt) and potassium chloride. Both NaCl and KCl taste 'salty', but too much KCl can have a metallic aftertaste, so don't go crazy with it.
Tip: I just cook with lite salt and use that whenever I would use salt. At the beginning I just dissolved a tablespoon in water and chugged that in the mornings.
Lite salt is table salt that is (approximately) 50% sodium chloride and 50% potassium chloride.
The traditional "healthy" community uses it as a way to reduce sodium in the diet. However, it can also be used as a cheap electrolyte source also.
Have you redone your macros lately? You don't need as many calories now as you did 30lbs ago. And congrats on being 30lbs down. That is awesome. I would use the keto calculator on the sidebar, set yourself at sedentary even though you walk every day, put it at a 20% deficit and see how it lines up with what you've been eating. If it does match up, I'd lower calories by about 100 and see if that helps. The calculators are only estimates; sometimes we have to tweak. You got a food scale? If not, get one. The things you're eating are high calorie and underestimating on a couple things a day can make hundreds of calories' worth of difference.
Don't know your location, but potassium supplements in the U.S. are limited to 99mg, which is nowhere near what we need. I looked up Salt for Life and see it has about half the sodium and potassium of Lite Salt. Get Lite Salt if you can. It's what I use. I put 1/4tsp in 20oz bottles of water and drink them all day long. It's got 290mg of sodium and 350mg of potassium per 1/4tsp compared to Salt for Life's 140mg sodium and 180mg potassium.
I use Morton's Lite Salt. It's found in most grocery stores and I find it the fastest/easiest way to get my potassium in... I just season my food with it and cook with it and hit my required allotments :)
Congratulations! I'm about one month in but haven't made it official with the Ketostix. Drink plenty of water and get yourself some Lite Salt or other source of sodium, potassium, and magnesium. It's comforting to see the great support in this thread.
lite salt is half potassium half sodium instead full sodium link to amazon
Yes, in the spice isle or by the salt and sugar.
It was MUCH cheaper at the grocery store than on Amazon. Just fyi
I swear by this, covers both sodium and potassium
Morton Lite Salt, With Half The Sodium Of Table Salt, 11 oz
Also, if you are watching your sodium intake, Morton's has a Lite Salt that has half the sodium.
You just have to use twice as much of it.
Lite salt in the UK avail on Amazon...
1/4-1/2tsp lite salt in 20-28oz of water, add some mio, done.
Pickup some Magnesium Citrate tablets and pop 300mg or so at night before bed.
This type of salt it has what u need in it
> Morton’s lite salt
I found this, but it is crazy expensive. Funny because it costs 8.50 on amazon US
Right there, there is your potassium
>is there a supplement I should be taking?
There's Mortons Lite Salt (it's 50% sodium 50% potassium)
You could also take a potassium supplement (If you do go this route don't take a full days serving in one go, spread it out throughout the day in a few servings.
Lite salt is a popular option. People commonly mix it with water and a drink mix of choice (such as Mio) and call it "ketoade." I get my magnesium from a combination of a multivitamin and food sources (nuts, seeds, dark leafy greens, etc.).
Lite Salt on everything
Chloride, but I would recommend just using Lite Salt. Potassium can be dangerous, so most OTC supplements are very under dosed.
Substitute normal salt in your recipes for this:
If you are needing canned items, look for the cans that say low sodium, or no sodium added.
Nice, looks like they have it on Amazon:
Sounds pretty low on sodium unless you're really working the salt shaker. I'm pretty new to keto (I'm part way into week 4), but I've had a similar jaw pain/ache, and I found it was almost entirely due to sodium and potassium deficiency. Even with the potassium in the spinach, the body just flushes it out too fast. I'm finding it difficult to get enough with supplementing.
I started eating ham (very salty) daily, and drinking a couple of zero cal sports drinks with an extra half teaspoon of LiteSalt in them, and I'm feeling 100% better. I found it helps a lot to track salt, potassium, and magnesium in addition to the macros-- it helped me realize just how little I was getting on a diet with so little processed food.
Also, obligatory links to the FAQ.
And to this reddit treatise on Potassium.
Lite Salt. It's basically salt with less sodium and potassium added. Most definitely cheaper in stores however.
Yeah, that's one way.
For sodium/potassium, I use Lite salt. The sodium in Lite salt is halved, so if you find you still need more sodium in your macros, then that's when things like broths or salting your food with a different salt when it's cooking come into play.
For magnesium, I take a supplement. Walgreens has a buy 1 get 1 deal. I spent $9.99 I think, and then got the next one free. Pretty neat.
Something similar to this?
> Ahh that's right. I need bananas.
F- Bananas. They rot, and take up space. Grab some Lite Salt. Just pour it into the water. (dont go crazy)
It is a big hit with /r/keto users, due to the amount of water consumed.
And you will be drinking more water than the average person, so your % of daily value will need to be more than 100%. You drink a lot of water = you flush your system = Electrolyte Imbalance. Keep a eye on potassium, salt and magnesium.
It can be found in any grocery store, and has 350mg per 1/4th tsp. You will not find that ratio anywhere else. That is about the same as eating a 7" banana.
Personally I recommend Morton Lite Salt. Since most people get plenty of sodium in their diet, lite salt helps you also get potassium, which is another essential electrolyte.
What I use
Potassium for my shakes:
Magnesium for my shakes:
Magnesium Suppliment:
People will tell you that ketosticks are useless - personally I think they are a fine rudimentary gauge of whether or not you are in ketosis. If you are new to ketosis get yourself some lite salt this will help reduce cramps and alleviate some potential for adverse effects due to ketosis. From there I guess it depends on what your goals are. But no matter what they are give your body some time to adapt to burning fat.