Yes, it’s a review book you can find on Amazon. It includes practice exams and online resources too. This is the book I used: Mosby’s Review for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination (Mosby’s Reviews)
I personally recommend this book because it has a nice chunk of information and the section in it for calculations isn't too shabby. I would just rent and not buy it though since it's a pretty long rental period and it's pretty cheap.
That's the one I used. Comes with online code to take practice exams
I used several books but the best one was Mosby's Review for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination, 3rd edition.
This book will be great by itself if you already have experience as a tech but if you don't, you will probably also need a textbook with a dedicated math section. The amazon reviews mention that many of the questions have incorrect answers in the answer key but it's not a big deal since the corrections are posted online and the answer key has each answer written out. The most valuable part of this book is the practice exams in the back. They were incredibly similar to actual exam compared to any other book I used. Definitely get this book and spend the most time with it.
I also used books that were given to me by CVS which were pretty helpful. If you're currently working for a retail chain, there's a good chance they will give you books for free. The math one was great. I completed basically the entire thing and got all the math questions correct on the exam.
"The Pharmacy Technician, 5e" by APhA, Perspective Press and the accompanying workbook (pretty sure you can find the PDF online)
"Complete Math Review for the Pharmacy Technician, 4e" by APhA
Mosby's Review for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination (Mosby's Reviews)
Personally, I recommend this one: Mosby's Review for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination, 3e
I used Mosby's. I passed.
Hey, sorry for replying so late. So which state are you in? I'm pretty sure you need a PTCB certification and a state registration to apply for a hospital job.
You need to study a book for the PTCB examination. Some people recommend going to school, but I only studied a book to pass the PTCB test. It's quite easy.
I recommend this book:
Pretty straightforward and easy to understand. Afterwards, just take the test. Make sure you are ready because it costs 150+ per exam and you can only have three tries per 6 months (or something like that).
When you get your PTCB certification, apply for the state registration. There's no requirements but your record must be clean.
Once you get both, apply for a hospital job. Always aim high, you never know where it'll get you. And never go for a retail pharmacy job.
Hope it helps.