This is the one Mothers 05716 California Gold Synthetic Wax - 16 oz.
So I decided I had a canvas I might as well play with it. While I keep my Charger nice and pretty. My truck is a truck so it doesn't need to be pretty all the time. I wash it but don't really do much more since it doesn't get driven very often. I'd sell it, but I know once I do I'll want to haul some stuff and won't be able to, and it's a great reliable truck. So I pulled some of the things out of my cabinet to try. I didn't grab everything I had because I didn't want to use all the truck. Everything I grabbed was easy to use and anyone that's a novice should be able to use it, and the nice thing is we have a lot of pollen and it's supposed to rain in the next few days. So my plan is to add pics after a couple days to see how its working to keep the pollen off, and how it deals with the rain. Should be interesting.
So I decided to give it a quick no touch wash and Meguires Gold Class Wash and Shampoo. Then I rinsed it off and towel dried it. So now we have a somewhat clean surface. No I didn't clay, because well it's never been clayed so lets see how good these things work if you don't go all out and clay the paint, or polish it. I also applied everything by hand, and removed it by hand as well.
So from the back part of the cab to the box is 1.)Mother Gold Synthetic Wax, 2.) Aero Cosmetics Wash and Wax All, 3.) Nu Finish, 4.) Meguires Ultimate liquid wax, 5.) Meguires Paint Protect, 6.) Lucas Speed Wax, 7.) Surf City Garage Barrier Reef Spray Wax, 8.)Nanoskin Hydro Express, and finally 9.) Body Gloss Final Detail Spray Wax and Glass Cleaner.
So the Mothers Gold Synthetic Wax was the liquid just applied and removed the residue. Very easy to use. However after sitting I had to shake the bottle real good since it had separated, this was the second time I've used this bottle and I used it on something about 3 weeks ago.
The Aero Cosmetics is a Wash and Wax, or water-less washing. Either way it doesn't smell bad and goes on easily. It doesn't leave any visible residue but I wiped it with a cloth anyways.
The Nu Finish is a thicker liquid, goes on and comes off easily. In theory this is supposed to last all year. However after sitting I had to shake the bottle real good since it had separated. It has been about a month since I used this last.
Next is the Meguires Ultimate liquid wax. This was a little thicker liquid. It went on a little harder but was easy to remove. This had to be shaken since it had separated, but I just opened the bottle so it was new.
Next is the Meguires Paint Protect. This stuff only need a little to go a long way. I put it in a spray bottle because it's much easier to use that way. This stuff smells nasty, but it's really easy to use. Spray a little(or put a little on a pad) apply and remove after letting it sit for a couple minutes. Really easy to use and it's supposed to seal the paint. I've noticed water beads very well on this stuff.
Next is Lucas Speed Wax. This is a spray wax, and I've used it a couple times with good results. It's pretty much just a spray on and remove thing. Smells okay, but it's easy to use.
Next is Surf City Barrier Reef Spray Wax. This is another easy to use spray wax. It came out foamy, which surprised me. But it went on easy, a little thicker then the other sprays but removed easily.
Next is NanoSkin Hydro Express, which I think is kind of like the Meguires Paint Protect. It goes on easily and a little goes a long ways. It's supposed to seal the paint, I've got some one the Charger but it hasn't rained yet so I can't say how it'll bead water.
And finally Body Gloss Final Detail Spray Wax, and Glass Cleaner. This was another spray on wipe off product. Supposed to smell like bubble gum, but I can't say I noticed that.