I think the first step in all of this is recognizing what you’re doing. Check out the book Mothers Who Can’t Love by Susan Forward. I listened to the audiobook and thought it was very helpful when trying to heal from the damage done by my NMother.
Here’s the description from Amazon: “With Mothers Who Can't Love: A Healing Guide for Daughters, Susan Forward, Ph.D., author of the smash #1 bestseller Toxic Parents, offers a powerful look at the devastating impact unloving mothers have on their daughters—and provides clear, effective techniques for overcoming that painful legacy.
In more than 35 years as a therapist, Forward has worked with large numbers of women struggling to escape the emotional damage inflicted by the women who raised them. Subjected to years of criticism, competition, role-reversal, smothering control, emotional neglect and abuse, these women are plagued by anxiety and depression, relationship problems, lack of confidence and difficulties with trust. They doubt their worth, and even their ability to love.
Forward examines the Narcissistic Mother, the Competitive Mother, the Overly Enmeshed mother, the Control Freak, Mothers who need Mothering, and mothers who abuse or fail to protect their daughters from abuse.
Filled with compelling case histories, Mothers Who Can’t Love outlines the self-help techniques Forward has developed to transform the lives of her clients, showing women how to overcome the pain of childhood and how to act in their own best interests.
Warm and compassionate, Mothers Who Can’t Love offers daughters the emotional support and tools they need to heal themselves and rebuild their confidence and self-respect.”
I'd also recommend Mothers who can't love, regardless of your gender or your N's gender. The most enlightening moment for me was when it addressed why I was both a desperately wanted child and why I felt like my young childhood was decent, only for it to flip into awfulness after puberty.
Yes it's really disturbing and incredibly hard to accept that someone who is supposed to love you can actually hate you and begrudge your existence. Not all mothers love their children. Here is a book that helped me
Mother's Who Can't Love was an eye opening resource for me: https://www.amazon.com/Mothers-Who-Cant-Love-Daughters/dp/0062204343
Running on Empty by Jonice Webb focuses on the affects of neglect and how to re-parent yourself (something I've had to do in my own journey)
I'll also add that you should kindle this book asap. https://www.amazon.com/Mothers-Who-Cant-Love-Daughters/dp/0062204343
I’ve been there but I always ignore those shit because I never trusted her. If I told her something “and being her bestie” that will get back to me in some way and be used agains me. If I ignore her “I’m a horrible daughter” and other children wouldn’t never do that and never listen.
I highly recommend you these books
Mother who can’t love https://www.amazon.es/Mothers-Who-Cant-Love-Daughters/dp/0062204343
You're Not Crazy - It's Your Mother: https://www.amazon.es/Youre-Not-Crazy-Understanding-Narccissistic-ebook/dp/B00EF5L2VW
Also, when I started “seeing the light” I was still with them. So access to books was not a thing because “they’re useless” with that money “you could buy clothes”... Moreover, as a great and my room was her room so finding books with that title wouldn’t be an option.
Here is a secure link to dolwoand the EPUB (you can open it with Appel books or android book) or download the pdf for free
Happy to help
https://www.amazon.com/Mothers-Who-Cant-Love-Daughters/dp/0062204343 hope this works!
I found Susan Forwards book helpful (https://www.amazon.ca/Mothers-Who-Cant-Love-Daughters/dp/0062204343), and have a look at the right sidebar, there are also resources there.
I found this book helpful.
Also, look up "grey rock" and "structured contact", in case you are not ready to go full no contact (NC).