I picked this one because it’s the only one with a channel inside the post for cable management.
Having them meet perfectly is mostly spending a long time messing with them until they meet perfectly.
Took me 1hr of adjusting😆
Mount-It! Dual LCD Monitor Desk Mount Stand Heavy Duty Fully Adjustable Arms Fits 2 / Two Screens up to 27", VESA 75 and 100 (MI-752) https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0052AWGLE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_CCJ8X1MJQ8SDET7JXQ26?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The tower is facing out mostly due to the fact that I sit more man-spread than straight legged. As far as mounting the monitors goes, I've been look at getting a cheap one off amazon: (https://www.amazon.ca/Mount-Monitor-Adjustable-Screens-MI-752/dp/B0052AWGLE/ref=sr_1_4?s=office&ie=UTF8&qid=1504723959&sr=1-4&keywords=dual+monitor+stand)
Would you be able to recommend a monitor mount?
It was just some dual arm mount I picked up off amazon for about $30. It's basically this one.
Unfoturnately, my two monitors are different and have different VESA sizing, so the downside to that stand is I cant change their heights individually to line them up.
You should get a dual-monitor arm mount. It will give you so much extra space on your desk to do activities.
Posted this a bit late last night so reposting this morning...:
Multi-monitor stand: Hey all, looking for a dual monitor stand for work... Need something with a base vs. one that clamps to the desk. The only other requirement that I have is that the cables can feed down inside the pole for more hidden cables. I have a clamp style mount for my home set up that has the hollow pole for cable management and LOVE the hidden cables... after looking on amazon and newegg I haven't been able to find anything. Hoping to spend less than $60.
best place IMO for cheap monitor stands (desk mount) is amazon warehouse. I got a sturdy ass dual mount for $37? I think. maybe cheaper
It had a damaged box and that was it.
Multi-monitor stand:
Hey all, looking for a dual monitor stand for work... Need something with a base vs. one that clamps to the desk.
The only other requirement that I have is that the cables can feed down inside the pole for more hidden cables. I have a clamp style mount for my home set up that has the hollow pole for cable management and LOVE the hidden cables... after looking on amazon and newegg I haven't been able to find anything. Hoping to spend less than $60.
My montiors are: 24.5 inches +32 inches =56.5 inches wide and they fit landscape on my stand with a slight angle. Like BARELY fit, but you can angle the secondary about 15 degrees. And mine weigh like 17-22 ish pounds each. So yours are 11pound each and 55 inches total width so
So yours should work much better on this stand: http://www.amazon.com/Mount--Monitor-Adjustable-Screens-MI-752/dp/B0052AWGLE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1464483572&sr=8-1&keywords=mount+it+dual+monitor+mount
I got it for like $37 through amazon warehouse with just a damaged box. Its pretty dang sturdy. if i am typing pretty hard it has a tiny bit of shake but thats because of my desk, not the monitor. It didn't do that on my old small desk.
I bought this last year and I absolutely love it.
Using it with a 21.5" 16:10 and a 27" 16:9.
One of the main features I love is the ability to easily feed cables through the center pole for a cleaner look (might have to get longer cables though depending). Has plastic covers for all the joints. Only thing I wish it had was easier vertical movement but it's not even close to a deal breaker. It's my first and only multi-monitor mount so I don't really have anything else to compare to, unfortunately.
This thing is great, it's super heavy duty and solid as hell. As long as you have a desk edge to secure it to its perfect.
This is the one I have:
Mount-It MI-752 Dual Arm Adjustable Desktop Monitor Mount , VESA 75 for 22-27 Inch LCD Flat Screen Monitors https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0052AWGLE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awd_.3FZwbSRYEEY1
Edit: had the wrong link the first time
You can get this:
off of amazon warehouse (damaged box only!) for around $40 quite often with prime. Me and my roommate both bought it a couple months back. I have a 27"+24" portrait and he has a 29" ultrawide+24" portrait. Its super rugged and I recommend it to anybody who asks if they have a desk that it can grab onto.
Mount-It MI-752 Dual Arm Adjustable Desktop Monitor Mount , VESA 75 for 22-27 Inch LCD Flat Screen Monitors https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0052AWGLE/ref=cm_sw_r_other_awd_Se2Kwb9RP4YA6
That's the one that was recommended by lots of people. It works great and was cheap. It's easy to angle the monitors however your want, a little adjustment of the nuts to change resistance and you're set. I have two qunix 27" mounted.
This is the monitor arm! It's actually really great. You can probably tell in the pictures, but I have the monitor power/video cables ran through the supporting tube in the back. It's also really really sturdy.
It uses the standard VESA mount so just look up something like this for example. The mounting holes are square so you can mount one in landscape and the other in portrait with no problem. But for future help, you can go to /r/monitors.
If you scroll down there should be an area for customer images, one of them has the block I mention. That is what got to think twice about this.
Sorry, that might have been a bit unclear, i meant that you could make a gaming build for 3840 x 2160 (4k / 4 times the resolution of 1080p) that would cost about $2500.
Here's something i put together that comes in a bit under budget. You’re going to ‘want’ to get an unlocked chip (can be overclocked) for a high end build. You don’t need to overclock, but you at least have the option to do so in the future. That’s what’s going to give the build some extra longevity vs a build that doesn’t have the option to overclock.
This is a m-itx (small form factor) build that won’t have a problem playing any game on Ultra at 60+fps for a long time with a GTX 1080. The monitors are 25” 1440p IPS panels that have very small bezels so they’ll look good once they’re mounted on a stand. They’ll fit on most desk / wall vesa mounts (100x100mm). I also added a 480gb ssd and a 4tb hdd as requested. The case has a bit of a “gaming” look, but it shouldn’t be too out there for you imo.
Edit: Added a rear exhaust fan (forgot the case doesn't come with one :/).
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
I got my duel monitor arm from amazon, was only 44$ shipped when i ordered it. VERY sturdy,
If you are using Ethernet and not WiFi then take out the WiFi Adapter
And here is a monitor mount.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Sorry I read monitor not monitor stand. The stand is the Mount-It! Dual Monitor Mount
turned out to be my perminent solution, instead of a 'nicer' one.
Thanks man! This is the stand: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0052AWGLE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Q.ANFb5WB11V3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
And no, I bought it separately to give the desk some support. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NNVJHRY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_lbBNFbR0V4YGD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Ikea sells poles that can be friction fit to the ceiling. Find a monitor mount you can MacGyver to it and you're all set. The older poles (Stolmen) they used to sell were cylindrical and a basic monitor mount from Amazon fit it nearly perfectly. All that was required was to insert the plastic inserts that came with the anchors that were used to attach shelving and such.. I think the new ikea poles ones are square shaped... You could always buy a stripper pole to make it work or find an old Ikea Stolman pole on craigslist.
You can also use two poles for much larger screens. Even the new system would work with this method.
It’s this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0052AWGLE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_AhfKFb3YQS56Q?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I really like it!
Uhoh, I got found out. It's this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0052AWGLE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I'm hiding the second arm behind the tower, lol.
Of course! Those are BenQ RL2755HM mounted on this awesome dual arm stand
In retrospect I wish I had settled for 25" monitors with higher refresh rates and gsync. They would be more flexible in that setup and 27"x2 is just overkill.
Mount-It! Dual LCD Monitor Desk Mount Stand Heavy Duty Fully Adjustable Arms Fits 2 / Two Screens up to 27", VESA 75 and 100 (MI-752) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0052AWGLE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_n-8gzbYY0YPQD
Those should be standard VESA mounts, you can use something like this to use as one stand between both monitors.
It's this one. It's not the absolute best, but I've had it for over three years without issue.
I think it's this model:
There are stands like these that you can clamp onto the edge of your table.
Thanks! I don't know the exact name and brand anymore. But this one is exactly the same: https://www.amazon.com/Mount-Monitor-Adjustable-Screens-MI-752/dp/B0052AWGLE
Picked it up from amazon. its perfect https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0052AWGLE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
they are both the same monitor (LG 24MP88HV-S), https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0052AWGLE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
This is what I've been using. I have a 27" and a 24" monitor right now.
I own this one and love it. My two monitors are very different in size (20.1 vs 27) and have zero issues. Looks perfect.
I haven't used any singles but Amazon has them and the description should have the weight limit but always check the reviews too. Here is the one I use: http://www.amazon.com/Mount-Monitor-Adjustable-Screens-MI-752/dp/B0052AWGLE?ie=UTF8&keywords=mount%20it%20dual%20monitor%20mount&qid=1464230766&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1
Its the most heavy duty one I found and got it for $37 amazon warehouse.
This one looks good: http://www.amazon.com/Mount--MI-751-Adjustable-Articulating-Insignia/dp/B0052ATODM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1464230817&sr=8-1&keywords=mount+it+single+monitor+mount
I'm using a really old, shitty desk purchased from Walmart like ~10 years ago and have 0 problems with stability. I was worried for a little while that it was going to just tip one day or even just break the desk but it's been going strong for about ~1.5 years now.
I have a 27" QNIX and a 22" Asus mounted to it and it's been nothing short of perfect. The arms can be titled and move horizontally but the height isn't very adjustable, at least not easily. You basically set it to the height based on pre-drilled holes on the vertical standing arm (the part that mounts to the desk) and just stick a screw in to hold it there. If you want to adjust height you'll have to remove the screw and likely take the monitors off before sliding it up/down. If you want something that's easily adjustable in height, you'll be spending more in the ~75-100$ range as opposed to ~40$ for a less-dynamic model.
It sounds like you may just have a single monitor though... If you have no plans to add another then I'd just get something like the Amazon Basics for 99$ or the Mount-It! for 39$.
The Amazon model gives you pretty much the maximum adjust-ability but it's a bit pricey (not really, other mounts are just cheap). The single arm Mount-It! I linked is a little more adjustable on-the-fly than my personal mount I posted earlier but costs about the same as the dual-mount.
Also, I use a sit-to-stand desk at work and love it. I get pain in my lower back from my terrible posture and generally can't sit still too long without getting up to walk around a bit. Being able to stand and work whenever really helped limit my back pain and I love being able to move about. The downside is that they're pretty damn expensive... For a reference, we have Ergotrons where I work.
If I had to guess I'd say it was this model specifically. That whole 'desk' mounts on your actual computer desk and can be raised/lowered and adjusted in all sorts of positions.
edit and now that you've got me looking into all of this again, I'm thinking of upgrading to something more adjustable like the Amazon Basics mount but a dual-monitor version. IMO just skip the cheaper model and get something more dynamic like the Amazon mount.
Yes. Got it from Amazon a few years ago, never went back.
My cheap ass was looking at models like this: http://www.amazon.com/Mount--Articulating-Computer-Monitors-MI-752/dp/B0052AWGLE/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1432039715&sr=8-3&keywords=monitor+arm
hoping that there was an upgraded version of that with enough on the fly height adjustment to allow a standing position.
^That's ^why ^I'm ^here, ^I ^don't ^judge ^you. ^PM ^/u/xl0 ^if ^I'm ^causing ^any ^trouble. ^WUT?
Non-mobile: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0052AWGLE
^That's ^why ^I'm ^here, ^I ^don't ^judge ^you. ^PM ^/u/xl0 ^if ^I'm ^causing ^any ^trouble. ^WUT?
I got a Crossover and an old Samsung 26in 1200p monitor for now but got an Overlord Tempest on the way to move the crossover to the second monitor position. Needless to say i love these panels! Also purchased this mount for when the overlord gets in already have the crossover installed on it http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0052AWGLE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 cheap and works perfectly.
The setup - http://i.imgur.com/Wg0bog4.jpg
Here's an identical mount from Amazon: www.amazon.com/dp/B0052AWGLE
I'm talking about this And there are no holes in the back that I know of. They are monitors without the 4 screw holes.
That is the most heavy duty sub $50 dual mount I found. Its rated for ~22 pounds each monitor I believe and my ultrawide is just around that so I needed every bit.
Got it for ~$37 amazon warehouse with damaged box. It will just barely fit 34" ultrawide+27" 16:9 both landscape. Doesn't allow for a ton of angle but you get about 15 degrees with the ultrawide flag and the 27" angled towards you.
Would recommend it for those who don't want to spend a ton on mounts