> The max temperature of a toaster in air is less than its max temperature in vacuum, same as the engine, if it works as I speculate.
The issue is what is the toaster made of? Steel? Won't it melt if it's hot enough to melt an engine block? If the toaster melts all the insides short and it stops being a toaster, it might still be able to melt the engine block, but you've made what is closer to an arc furnace, not a toaster.
> You mean like the red color of hot metal? Thats mostly from the surface, right?
Yes, hot metal gives off IR radiation which will cool it, yes it's from the surface, but the heat from the toaster will be transferred via conduction to the surface. An engine block if more than capable of transferring 1.5kW without melting, they are typically designed to handle a couple hundred kW when water cooling is available. A 1kW toaster will almost get it warm, what you have is essentially a large block heater, 1.5kW is actually what some people connect to their engines to help it start