This pillow was a LIFE SAVER for any car travel and occasionally for sleeping, especially if you have drains it is great for avoiding contact with the sites. MOYOAMA Post Mastectomy Pillow...
I also highly recommend a wedge pillow and a lap tray for anything you’d need to sit up to do
I bought both the bras and the bed rest pillow based off of u/kitchen-grass recommendation. Also have used a mastectomy pillow and it's the greatest thing.
I wore my mastectomy pillow nonstop for the first 2ish weeks. I’d keep my cell phone, AirPods, remotes and snacks in the front pocket! It was very comforting to have the protection and padding, especially under my arms.
I got this one from Amazon
This is the one I got and it’s been a lifesaver at all times:
My cousin came to help take care of me post op. She brought her kitten because he couldn’t be alone. His crazy ass jumped not just on me but tried to climb the curtains lol you know kittens. Anyway, this pillow saved the day AND it’s for s phone holder. Bonus.
MOYOAMA Post Mastectomy Pillow -...
Also a cup with a straw and lid. I'm literally just using a chick fil a cup. They put a breathing tube thing in during surgery and it makes my throat hurt. Also the cotton mouth from meds is pretty killer at first.
Oh my goodness!!! Thank you so much for this advice!! Also I'm about 210 5'2". I've given up on wearing bras lol so I get the not knowing ur size. Recently it's been just camisoles underneath shirts to catch all the boobs sweat for me (thank God I've been working from home)
Luckily my fiance will be helping take care of me, but I think everything you suggested is helpful regardless. So far I've bought ice packs that were made for breasts and a mastectomy pillow to keep my kitty cat and anything else from hurting my incisions. Posting links in case anyone thinks they may be helpful for them
Again thank you! And I'll be sure to look at the products you posted and keep everything in mind! T minus 2 days!!!
I wore a zip up hoodie to and from my surgery. When I got home I just put on my usual pajama shirts, which are oversized and a little stretched out, but not button up. I had no problem with getting them on and I think they’re more comfortable. I also didn’t need a cup with a straw, I just used small Gatorade bottles and that was honestly easier to maneuver.
The items that have been absolutely imperative are: mastectomy pillow (protects chest, good for car, provides compression, holds ice packs), pregnancy pillow (I’m a side sleeper and it prevents me from rolling over), ice packs (I have 8 that I rotate out, check with your surgeon first but mine wanted me to ice as much as possible), stool softener as well as laxative (the former helped more than the latter), three normal pillows (to prop myself up, more adjustable than a wedge pillow), and compression bra (I need more compression than the post-surgical bra they sent me home with at my 1WPO check up so I ordered one from Amazon).
Things I have not used/did not need: drain holder (just pin them to your bra with close pin), button up shirts, wedge pillow, pineapple (it might aggravate your throat if you eat/drink it too soon after surgery), wedge pillow, lidded cup/straw, bidet, and dry shampoo (just braid your hair tightly before surgery).
Mastectomy pillow. Mastectomy pillow