:3 thank you I appreciate it~
I used this topcoat: Mr. Top Coat Flat Spray https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0000WS12C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_VCBW39K4H1B46J5YRFTZ
I was pretty nervous about over spraying the gunpla parts but the process was super fun haha
Did a quick search. So something like this would be good? https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Top-Coat-Flat-Spray/dp/B0000WS12C/
And from research I did to minimize chances of frosting happening would doing it when it is warm and dry be sufficient while keeping like a foot away from the pieces?
Order a matte finish spray paint like this: https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Top-Coat-Flat-Spray/dp/B0000WS12C
Once it arrives and is in your house spray the figure with that.
I honestly don't know of anything that will remove the shiny finish. Acetone or Isopropyl alcohol MIGHT but it will most likely take the paint off as well. Your best bet is honestly just spraying it with a matte finish.
I'm building him right now! Just finished cleaning his right foot last night lol.
I use Mr. Hobby Flat for my matte topcoats. Ignore the price you can get it cheaper i just quickly googled to show you.
Hey guys, I'm looking to build my first serious Gunpla here soon (built a bunch when I was a kid) and I want to finish it with a top coat. I've found this item from Mr. Topcoat, which seems good, but I was wondering if there are similar options in larger quantities or for better prices?
Look for this stuff from your local hobby shop if you can. Don't buy it from Amazon, it's way overpriced, but have it as your last resort.
Starting to delve into topcoating, would someone with some knoledge tell me the difference between these three? https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Top-Coat-Flat-Spray/dp/B0000WS12C/ref=sr_1_1?crid=P8O50L3QMC69&keywords=gundam+top+coat&qid=1659558070&sprefix=gundam+top+coa%2Caps%2C363&sr=8-1
I use this stuff. A bit pricey, but can be found at lower prices than Amazon if you look around. Works great. Nice flat finish. (If you want certain parts to be shiny you will need to go over them afterward with 'Ard Coat or some other gloss medium.)
So.. this type? Seems the newer variant is harder to find in the U.S. nowadays.