You can still buy bluing agents separately. Fun to do to white clothes if you are around black lights at the club.
"Mrs. Stewart's Concentrated Liquid Bluing, Non Toxic Laundry Whitener, 8-ounce Bottle (Pack of 2)"
Laundry nerd chiming in here. Discoloration on sheets is probably from sweat, so you don't want to use chlorine bleach (which could react with the proteins and cause further yellowing, all credit for this knowledge to Jolie Kerr of Ask a Clean Person). Instead, look at oxygen bleach (e.g., OxiClean) and/or bluing.
Mrs. Stewart's Concentrated Liquid Bluing, Non Toxic Laundry Whitener, 8-ounce Bottle (Pack of 2)
You should look into bluing. Over a decade ago, Martha Stewart had a daytime show and she used bluing on white dress shirts that ended up looking fantastic. That said, I never tried it because: I didn’t want that level of perfection to become a normal laundry expectation for my fam; and it looks like it can go wrong and you end up more blue than white. If you try it, practice with t-shirts and then your swatches before going balls to the wall with your veil. Good luck and have fun getting ready for your wedding.
Ugh, the Apex uniform. Great gear but the fabric is infuriatingly stubborn when it gets stained, no matter what the stain is. I own 2 sets for 5+ years now and here’s what I’ve learned:
For your particular problem, I’d start with soaking it in Stewart’s and whatever regular detergent you use for at least 10 minutes, then wash. If that doesn’t work, same process but with Oxi-Clean. Last resort: make a paste with bleach mixed with some baking soda and scrub the individual spots with a toothbrush. Let sit for 5-10 then wash.
Sadly there’s no silver bullet, but the above method does work out the best for me, even if the results are often mixed. Good luck!
In addition to Vinegar, woolite, ammonia have also heard that you can use a blueing agent like Mrs Smith or an optical brightening agent.
Hard water is one of your biggest problems. The calcium build-up combined with sweat makes them really dingy. Here are some links: one, two, three. I use OxiClean and sometimes Borax and get good results. (I've had some of my garments for twenty+ years and they look fine color-wise.) Occasionally I use Mrs. Stewart's Liquid Bluing -- it's on Amazon -- especially with my white shirts.
But the real pro tip if you're lazy like me is to eschew both black and white fabrics. No separate loads of laundry, fading issues are less obvious, etc.
I used a chemical called Blueing. For real.
Mrs. Stewart's Concentrated Liquid Bluing, Non Toxic Laundry Whitener, 8-ounce Bottle (Pack of 2)
16 oz of laundry bluing for US$10.
That's about $55 to fill it with a devastatingly permanent marking media.😈
Try this! It works great on yellowed fabric and I unlike bleach it won’t ruin the fabric
You could try using this.
Right. That's why I use bluing.
I have heard that liquid bluing works wonders. Ironic, I know.
EDIT: Never tried this myself.