Well if your desired price is $288, it's showing as $228 for me on Amazon right now.
*edit - it's back up to $299 already
I own a Nemo Dagger 2P (last year's design), and I'd say the only shortcomings are ventilation and vestibule door height. If you have all 8 corners of the fly staked down, it's a bit tricky to maneuver into the door. For ventilation, it'll only ever be an issue if you've got the rain fly totally sealed up (as we did in a recent trip with heavy overnight rain). Other than that, it's a great freestanding tent!
My #2 choice was the MSR Hubba Hubba NX 2, which is very similar to the Dagger. Last year's version is actually $100 off on Amazon Prime right now: https://www.amazon.com/MSR-Hubba-2-Person-Lightweight-Backpacking/dp/B00G7H9CAY?th=1 I'd wager that the savings are worth it compared to the Dagger, which currently is $400. I even convinced one of my friends to take advantage of the Amazon deal earlier this week, so I'll have a chance to do a direct comparison this weekend!
The MSR Hubba Hubba is $287 on Amazon now, from the usual MSRP of $399
Links to my gear:
Clothes - Almost all merino wool no worries :P. The coat is fleece not down
Sad to see that it's $309 on Amazon Prime now. I snagged it just 10 days ago for $228.
Not OP but it looks a lot like the MSR Hubba Hubba http://www.amazon.com/MSR-Hubba-NX-Tent-Red/dp/B00G7H9CAY/ref=sr_1_1?s=outdoor-recreation&ie=UTF8&qid=1433438885&sr=1-1&keywords=msr+hubba+hubba