Read a book called Mohammad: A Prophet For Our Time by Karen Armstrong. It’s the best non-Muslim authored book that gives the most information about him. It is not, at all, biased and gives a completely fair and objective history of the Prophet (pbuh), his family, his Companions, and the rise of Islam and its role in the Arabian Peninsula.
Mohammad: A Prophet For Our Times by Karen Armstrong- (
I suggest finding out about the Prophet Muhammad because he is the best living example of Islam.
Karen Armstrong's biography is a very engaging read:
In terms of visiting a mosque, its best to go to the biggest one in your area because they'll have the most resources to welcome you and answer any questions you have. You can just turn up, but there might not be anyone available to meet you. If you call ahead most mosques will make sure someone is there to greet you, make you feel comfortable and answer any questions you might have.
Karen Armstrong’s Muhammad is a really good book
So, how would you know if Quran is authentic without even reading it or without Knowing about Muhammad(pbuh)? You have already negated the Historical evidence i posted in my 2nd post.
Why would you think that Muhammad (pbuh) himself wrote Quran and then attributed to Allah?, Because if he was really that devious then he would have taken all the money, power and comfort offered from Quraish when they asked him to stop preaching.
Quran is regarded as highest work of arabic, so if a person was to write it, why would he give this credit away.
If wordly gains was Muhammad's (pbuh) desire then he was doing a poor job at it, leaving a comfortable noble life with a rich wife.
Now when i try to prove it to you with historical context, you state that the historians plagiarized the events and can't be trusted, when you have overwhelming evidence of Muhammad's(pbuh) life in great detail, from various accounts. I think you have already made up your mind to not believe anything about islamic history written by muslims.
Perhaps you would trust a non-muslims, islamic view?
I can refer to you some books:
1) <strong>The 100 by Michael H.Hart</strong>
2) <strong>On Heroes, Hero-worship, and the Heroic in History, by Thomas Carlyle</strong>
3) <strong>Islam Her Moral and Spiritual Value, by Major Arthur Glyn Leonard</strong>
4) <strong>Muhammad by Karen Armstrong</strong>
5) <strong>Islam by Alfred Guillaume</strong>
6) <strong>The life of Muhammad by William Muir</strong>
All these are studies of non muslims about prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Islam.
Karen Armstrong, A Prophet For Our Time (available online via google search)
Martin Lings, Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources (available online)
Omid Safi, Memories of Muhammad: Why the Prophet Matters
Fred Donner, Muhammad and the Believers (search google for it on SCRIBD)
Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Ideals and Realities of Islam (see chapter on the Prophet),%20Seyyed%20Hossein%20-%20Ideals%20and%20Realities%20of%20Islam%20(2000)%20(Scan,%20OCR).pdf