So I literally just purchased this generic “k safe” which is a time box that opens based on whatever time you set. The original product is called “k safe aka kitchen safe” for like people who have sweet cravings. But they made some for cell phone use, ciggs, pills, etc. I put all my vape pens in there and I’m testing how the first 24 hours goes. Once I do that I’m going to increase it a day at a time I think. The name brand one was $60 and this one is “only” $38.
You’re NTA, but you need to block all of their numbers.
Next bbq invite, say you aren’t attending. Do NOT answer any calls. If they persist, say ok, we’ll be there soon. Don’t leave. they text? “Oh, we’ll be there soon”. Don’t leave.
They will eventually realise you have no intention of going.
As for errands etc. “We’re out of petrol” “I’m busy” “can’t today” say the phrase then HANG UP. Put phone on silent, do not look at it.
You and your husband are way too available. Stop being available. If that means buying one of those timed lock boxes to stick your phones and car keys in so you physically cannot be contacted or drive to them, bloody hell just invest in a timed lockbox!
Edit - this is what you need! Both you and your husbands phones and keys need to go in here each evening with the box in a cupboard. Play games, watch tv, puzzles, whatever, but be phone free. Your mental health will thank you for it, as will your relationship.
won’t help for right now, but perhaps consider getting something like this. set a timer for when you want to be done. When timer goes off. Put it in the box and set that timer.
It's intentional by design. Some people don't have the self control to not just take money out whenever. They need that extra layer so that they'll only use the savings when they actually need it.
Similar to how some people use those products where they lock something like their phone in a timed lock box because they don't have the self-control.
If you really need them, I suggest getting a timed locker that you can put the pills in and set a timer for your next one. I have given an amazon link below as an example.
If you have someone who lives with you, I'd suggest giving them control over when you can take another.
Please please please buy a k-safe /time safe so you can time lock your stuff up after dosing
MPLERVEN Multi-Purpose Timed Lock Box Kitchen Storage and Piggy Bank Containers to Prevent and Control Mobile Phone Addiction, Prevent Excessive Smoking (1517)
Something like this
What about getting a timed safe? You can set it to unlock as far away as 41 days, and it would drive you crazy knowing the key is right there in front of you.
I’m self locked as well. I use a time lock box as kh. You can set it from 1 minute to 1000 hours.
Buy yourself a phone jail and lock your shit up before you start drinking next time. Who needs self-control when we have gadgets?
Stick your phone in something like this and set the timer for when you want to wake up. If it helps, also set multiple alarms on your phone before you put it in there.
I'd place it at the other end of your bedroom. It's far too much effort (at least for me) to walk across the room and get my phone. It's also harder to ignore the alarm in a morning because it's unreachable when you wake up.
Time-locked container? Something like below.
Multi-Purpose Timed Lock Box Kitchen Storage and Piggy Bank Containers to Prevent and Control Mobile Phone Addiction, Prevent Excessive Smoking (1517)